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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Easter Island and the Catholic Church

The roman-catholic church is of interest [1]. The church is located at the far end of Te Pito O Te Henua Road, if you come from the sea side. This time I didn’t have the time to walk by, but I’ll show you the older pictures.
In the mid-1800s Eugène Eyraud (1820 – 23 August 1868) was the first Westerner to live on Easter Island and belonging the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, his intend of living on Easter Island was missionary [2]. The population had been diminished by  smallpox and unluckily Pater Eyraud suffered from tuberculosis, which he spread unto his flock. About a quarter of the population died of tuberculosis. He baptized all of the inhabitants – and died shortly afterwards, of course from tuberculosis, which was beyond medical help back then. However, Eyraud was the first Westerner to have a look at the rongorongo, which are wooden tablets with writings like hieroglyphs. Later Bishop Jaussen of Tahiti made the rongorongo known to the outside world. (I’ll give the kohau Rongorongo a closer look here on this blog later.)
In the 20th century Father Sebastian Englert (17.11.1888 –08.01.1969),” a Capuchin Franciscan friar, Roman Catholic priest, missionary, linguist and ethnologist from Germany”, had a great influence on the catholic church of Easter Island [3]. The Father Sebastian Englert Anthropological Museum is named after him; which I wanted to visit, but had been closed due to the presidential elections in Chile. As Father Sebastian spoke Rapanui, he translated religious songs and texts into Rapanui. He published on Rapanui, both island and language, and I wish, I could read: Englert, S. Idioma rapanui: gramática y diccionario del antiguo idioma de la Isla de Pascua. Santiago de Chile, Universidad de Chile, 1978.

If you want to have a look at today’s church, please look here: [4]. There are other churches as well, also the Mormons are active, but that’s another story.

I've found two places for St. Mary devotionalism, one in
Te Pito O Te Henua Road, near the soccer field, and one near by the sea.

Links and References:


Following Autumn

Sun and wind
Through mud and fallen leaves
Happy five year old

Gone are the leaves now
The light rain on the tree’s twigs
Fall down in thick drops

City’s glow on clouds
Reflected from fallen leaves
In which something moves

On the beaten car
“Just married” and hearts of love
Withering letters

Red sun descending
The little girl’s red balloon

Old pendulum clock
Going on tick-tock tick-tock
Till a sudden end


Easter Island and Sirolimus

Right now it is Easter Island meets modern medicine. Sirolimus is a macrolide compound, an "has immunosuppressant functions in humans and is especially useful in preventing the rejection of kidney transplants. It inhibits activation of T cells and B cells by reducing the production of interleukin-2 (IL-2)" [1]. There had been an article in German with the title "Easter Island medicine allows mice to get older [2].
You might ask now, what this has to do with Easter Island. Remember that Easter Island's original name is Rapanui. Now, Sirolimus has a second name and this is Rapamycin. The bacterium that produces Rapamycin has been found on Rapanui in 1972. Its' use to prevent the rejection of kidney transplants comes from a lower kidney toxicity when compared to calcineurin inhibitors (this toxicity and the induction of hypertension are two of the reasons why Cyclosporin A isn't much used in Rheumatology nowadays).

Where's the link to my recent trip to Rapanui? I had been hiking from Hanga Roa to Rano Kao and taking the left side walk at the rim of the crater, when I suddenly saw something afar. Actually I've been asking myself in disbelief if someone had put up a honey bucket. Soon this assumption showed to be inaccurate as it is a huge slab of stone mounted on rocks, but it had been unclear for what reason because the brass plate isn't there anymore.

The outdoor toilet impression came from 
very much farther away

If you want to see the brass plate, please open this link [3].

Links and References:
[2] Osterinsel-Medizin lässt Mäuse älter werden, SPIEGEL-Online, 9. Juli 2009


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Blog Frühling in Buenos Aires


Der Frühling malt
Mit zarter Feder
In wasserDünnen Farben

Die Leichtigkeit
ÜberFällt uns alle
Geht durch
Das BlütenLicht

Die linde Luft
Das Raunen
Durch die alten Bäume

All ihr Wesen!

Und freut Euch
Mit dem Frühling


Die Bilder
Die das Auge überSah

Vom Hirn
Geritzt in Marmor

Und in den Ozean geworfen
Den Ozean des VerGessens


Die Leichtigkeit
Der Jacaranda-Blüten
Und gleichZeitig
Ihre Schwere

Nur schwer
Zu erTragen
In leichten Herzen

Was mag der Stein
Wenn eine Blüte
Auf ihn fällt?


Das StundenRund
Das KompassRund
Das AugenRund

Die ErdUmRundung
Die StadionUmRundung

Aber nach allen Runden
Ist der Sarg eckig
Das Runde im Eckigen

Ach, das UrnenRund!

Lyrik aus Buenos Aires
