Rauchen und Rheuma
Das sollten Sie wissen
Neuere wissenschaftliche Studien haben klar gezeigt, dass
Raucher deutlich häufiger an entzündlich-rheumatischen Erkrankungen leiden als Nichtraucher
Raucher höhere Rheumafaktor-Werte haben und mehr Rheumaknoten entwickeln
Raucher eine schlechtere Prognose haben. Das Rheuma (z.B. chronische Polyarthritis, z.B. Bechterew-Krankheit) führt schneller zu Gelenkzerstörungen und die Therapie schlägt weniger gut an
Raucher einen gestörten Knochenstoffwechsel haben (erniedrigte Vitamin D – Werte im Blut) und daher häufiger als Nichtraucher eine Osteoporose entwickeln (Knochenschwund)
Raucher häufiger an Thrombosen leiden als Nichtraucher.
Ihre Chance
Wenn Sie es schaffen, von den Zigaretten und anderen Tabakwaren wegzukommen, können Sie damit rechnen, dass
Ihre Therapie besser wirkt und weniger Nebenwirkungen verursacht
Die Entzündung abnimmt
In manchen Fällen die Gelenkschwellungen auch ohne Basistherapie zurückgehen
Ihre Möglichkeiten
Hilfreich dabei sind:
Rauchfrei-Angebote der BZgA (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung): Telefonische Beratung unter der Ruf-Nummer 01805 31 31 31 (14 Cent/Min.) / Ausstiegsprogramm / START-Paket zum Nichtrauchen mit einem umfassenden Selbsthilfeprogramm und zahlreichen Informationsbroschüren, das START-Paket und die Informationsmaterialien können kostenlos unter folgender Adresse bestellt werden: Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung, 51101 Köln, Fax: 0221-8992257, e-mail:, Online-Bestellsystem:
(zusammen mit Dr. med. habil V. Nehls erstellt)
Blog von Dr. med. Lothar M. Kirsch / 祁建德 // Rheumatic Diseases / Fibromyalgia / Travels / Languages / Poetry
Seiten / Pages
Friday, January 29, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Killing of dolphins
I received the following email:
Subject: World SHAME - add your name and pass it on please.........
Denmark is a big shame The sea is stained in red and in the mean while its not because of the climate effects of nature. It's because of the cruelty that the human beings (civilised human) kill hundreds of the famous and intelligent Calderon dolphins. This happens every year in Feroe iland in Denmark. In this slaughter the main participants are young teens. WHY? To show that they are adults and mature.... BULLLLsh In this big celebration, nothing is missing for the fun. Everyone is participating in one way or the other, killing or looking at the cruelty “supporting like a spectator”
Is it necessary to mention that the dolphin calderon, like all the other species of dolphins, it’s near instinction and they get near men to play and interact. In a way of PURE friendship They don’t die instantly; they are cut 1, 2 or 3 times with thick hocks. And at that time the dolphins produce a grim extremely compatible with the cry of a new born child. But he suffers and there’s no compassion till this sweet being slowly dies in its own blood
Its enough! We will send this mail until this email arrives in any association defending the animals, we won’t only read. That would make us accomplices, viewers. Take care of the world, it is your home!
Sign Against this cruelty: 1.- Ana kARINA Rivas (m) Mexico DF2.- Carlos Enrique Bulle-Goyri. DF3.- Alejandra Nabarro ( Mexico Cuernavaca )4.- Esteban criz mejia. Mexico DF5.-ANDREA GONZALEZ ALVAREZ ( MEXICO ) 6.-González Alvarez Victor Rodrigo 7.-Ines Garcia Perez (México)8.-Stella Morales (México)9.-lgarcia (México)10.-Leticia Cuéllar (México)11.-Salma Urbina Aguilar (Quintana Roo, México)12.-DIANA LUCELLY POOT PUC (quintana roo, mexico )13.-Josue Acero Gonzalez ( Quintana Roo , Mexico )14.-Micaela Medina ( Argentina )15.-sofia bidondo( Argentina )16.- Ma. Marta Soruco ( Argentina )17.- Cyntia Mariela Roitman ( Argentina )18.-Aldana Martínez ( Argentina )19.- Adriana Salomon ( Argentina )20.-fernando valussi( argentina )21.-MARIANELA SANCHEZ( ARGENTINA )22.- Leyes Alberto Fabian ( Argentina ).-23.- Augusto Patricio Mateos ( Argentina - Chaco )24.- Maria Alejandra Bury ( Argentina - Chaco )25.- Claudio Alexis Agnesio ( Argentina - Chaco )26.- Cesar Abel Falcon(Argentina-Chaco)27-MARIANA GOMEZ MARTINEZ28-SILVIA CLAUDIA GIMENEZ29-NELIDA BEATRIZ MARTINEZ 30-MARIA ESTHER URSU 31- NATHIA JUDKEVICH ( Argentina )32-MARINA JUDKEVICH ( Argentina )33-MARIANA JUDKEVICH (Aregentina)34- Bogado Espinoza, Lorena Abi ( Argentina )35- Ortiz, Natalia Muriel ( Argentina )36- Marcelo Rodrigues de Rezende (Sorocaba-Brasil) 37- Thais Chenchi Santana (Sorocaba-Brasil)38- Lilian Yoshie Kato ( Sorocaba - Brasil)39 - DIOGO CRISTO ( Sorocaba - Pindorama - Gaya ) 40 - DANILO GOMES ( Sorocaba - Cidade de Mentiras)41- Tiago Holtz Guerreiro (Sorocaba- Brasil)42 - Laura Nunes Garcia Vieira ( Sorocaba - Brasil)43 - Anderson Schmitt Junkes (Jandira - Brasil)44 - Eronides Santos Filho (Jandira - Brasil)45 - Suzana Lopes Ribeiro ( Jandira - Brasil )46 - Paulo Henrique Ferreira (Cotia/SP Brasil)47 - André Luiz da Fonseca Roberto ( Carapicuiba/ Brasil )48 - Jean Paulo Camargo Costa (CARAPICUIBA/ BRASIL)49 - Rodrigo de Jesus Ferreira (Jandira - Brasil)50- Bárbara Tabain Seslija de Sá (Jandira - SP - Brasil)51 - Ana paula Morina Ferreira (Barueri - SP - Brasil)52-Bárbara Louise (São Paulo-SP-Brasil)53-Diego Lima (Carapicuíba-SP-Brasil) 54 – Wanda leila de Oliveira marra ( Osasco – SP –Brasil ) 55 – Joilva Duarte (Osasco-Brasil) 56 - Patricia M. Dias ( São Paulo - Brasil)
57- Eduardo M. Dias ( São Paulo - Brasil)58 – Wagner R. Franco (São Paulo – Brasil) 59- Ruth Cristina Serafim (São Paulo - Brasil) 60- Thiago Silva (São Paulo - Brasil) 61 - Cristiano S. de Moraes (Rio de Janeiro - Brasil) 62 - Kelly Lopes Dias (São Paulo - Brasil) 63 - Fábio Ferreira / São Paulo - Brasil 64- Fábio Araujo / São paulo - Brasil 65- Marcia Stevaux/ São Paulo - Brasil 66 - Débora Gisele Ferraz - Brasil 67- Andrea Alexandre de Carvalho 68 - Adilson dos Santos Pinto (Cruzeiro SP) 69 - Francisco ReZende (Lorena-SP) 70- Mislane Souza Prates( São Paulo-Brasil) 71 - Janderson Dutra (Rio de Janeiro-RJ - Brasil) 72 - CECÍLIA SANTOS (SÃO PAULO) – BRASIL73- KÁTIA I. SANTOS ( SÃO PAULO ) - BRASIL74- Maria L Lima - (Rolândia - Brasil)75 – Marilise G.Z. Solle (Rolândia-Brasil) 76- Luis Fernando Silva de Almeida (Rolândia Pr- Brasil) 77- Adriana Amaral de Souza (Rolândia Pr - Brasil)78 – Carlos Alberto Ferreira do Amaral (Rolãndia PR – Brasil)79 - Lilian Carla de Souza Gonzalez ( Londrina - Pr. - Brasil)80 – Ailton Valdivino da Silva - (Uberlândia – MG - Brasil) 81 - Heliza Piosiadlo (Uberlândia - MG – Brasil82 - Patrícia Cordeiro ( Joaçaba-SC-Brasil)83 - Danielle Argenton (Herval D' Oeste - SC - Brasil)84 - Valdirene Soares ( Joaçaba - SC - BRASIL )85 - Luiz Sérgio Belló - Joaçaba SC Brasil86- Eduardo Wieser -SC- Brasil87- Julio Pancera (Navegantes, SC - Brasil)88- Fredi Goede (Pomerode, SC Brasil)89 – Mario L.Fanton90 - Valério Littig (Curitiba - Brasil )100-cassia cavalheiro101 - Paulo Terumitsu Ishii [Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil]102- Caroline Niro ( Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil103-Alexandre Batista(Londres-Inlaterra)104-udson bergues de almeida 105 - Inês Calazans, Alemanha 106 - Anabela Martins - Portugal107 - Luisa Sequeira - Silves /PORTUGAL108 - Alzira Rodrigues - Silves / Portugal109 - Cremilde Ribeiro - A. de Pêra / Portugal110 - Augusto Miguens - Elvas / Portugal111 - Natália miguens - Elvas / Portugal112 - Manuela Santos - Carcavelos / Portugal113 - Carla Santos - Oeiras / Portugal114 - Maria Carlos Barreto de Carvalho - Carcavelos / Portugal115 - Eliete Mendes - Lisboa / Portugal116 - Conceição Oliveira - Lisboa / Portugal117 - Mariana Domingues - Portugal118 - Joana Murtinha - Portugal119 - Filipa Almeida - Portugal120 - Iolanda Fontes - South Africa121 - Kalen Viljoen - South Africa
122 – Wendy Golding – South Africa
123 – Inge Strugnell – Botswana
124 – Philippa Lee - Botswana
125 - Ilse Swart
126 - Miche de beer
127 - Celeste Smit
128 – Esmé Venter
129 – Nathan Seidler – South Africa
130 – Julie Seidler – South Africa
131-Sellandene Louw
132 – Belinda Nienaber – South Africa
133 – Elma Grobler – South Africa
134 – Charlene Kotze
135 – Mytle Kotze
136 – Kobus Campher
137 – Leana Kotze
138 – Deon Kotze
139 – Danie Kotze
140 – Yolindi Kotze
141-Marco De Bruin (Dubai)
142 - Irene de Klerk (Dubai)
143-Nicky Liguori
144-Julian Liguori
145 - Michelle Christie - Dubai
146 - Warren Christie - Dubai
145 - Marie' Henning - South Africa
146 - Wendy Hayden - London
147- Craig Manson South Africa
148 – Kim Hendricks – South Africa
149- James harms - south africa
150-Lorraine Roberts, Northern Territory, Australia
151- Sherice Lange, perth, western australia
152 - Kristen Letton, Perth, WA, Australia
153 – Bev Letton – Perth WA
154 - John Boundey - Alice Springs NT
155 - Rod Crush - Murray Bridge SA
156 - Val Crush - Murray Bridge – SA
157 – Suzie Davies – Nairne SA
158 – Jeremy Davies – Nairne SA
159 - Annette Boehm - Brighton South Australia
160 - Kim Boehm - Brighton South Australia
161 - Courtney Boehm - Brighton South Australia
162 - Georgette Boehm - Brighton South Australia
163 - Kristen Hemingway, France
164 - Tony Greenwood - France
165 - Oliver Greenwood - France
166 - Charlie Greenwood - France
167 - Andree Hemingway - Sydney, Australia
168 - John Hemingway - Sydney, Australia
169 - Nick Hemingway - Sydney, Australia
168 - Jolie Hemingway - Sydney, Australia
169 Nina van Doornum, Amsterdam
170 Mirjana Vukusic, Australia
171 Svenja Petry, Australia
Subject: World SHAME - add your name and pass it on please.........
Denmark is a big shame The sea is stained in red and in the mean while its not because of the climate effects of nature. It's because of the cruelty that the human beings (civilised human) kill hundreds of the famous and intelligent Calderon dolphins. This happens every year in Feroe iland in Denmark. In this slaughter the main participants are young teens. WHY? To show that they are adults and mature.... BULLLLsh In this big celebration, nothing is missing for the fun. Everyone is participating in one way or the other, killing or looking at the cruelty “supporting like a spectator”
Is it necessary to mention that the dolphin calderon, like all the other species of dolphins, it’s near instinction and they get near men to play and interact. In a way of PURE friendship They don’t die instantly; they are cut 1, 2 or 3 times with thick hocks. And at that time the dolphins produce a grim extremely compatible with the cry of a new born child. But he suffers and there’s no compassion till this sweet being slowly dies in its own blood
Its enough! We will send this mail until this email arrives in any association defending the animals, we won’t only read. That would make us accomplices, viewers. Take care of the world, it is your home!
Sign Against this cruelty: 1.- Ana kARINA Rivas (m) Mexico DF2.- Carlos Enrique Bulle-Goyri. DF3.- Alejandra Nabarro ( Mexico Cuernavaca )4.- Esteban criz mejia. Mexico DF5.-ANDREA GONZALEZ ALVAREZ ( MEXICO ) 6.-González Alvarez Victor Rodrigo 7.-Ines Garcia Perez (México)8.-Stella Morales (México)9.-lgarcia (México)10.-Leticia Cuéllar (México)11.-Salma Urbina Aguilar (Quintana Roo, México)12.-DIANA LUCELLY POOT PUC (quintana roo, mexico )13.-Josue Acero Gonzalez ( Quintana Roo , Mexico )14.-Micaela Medina ( Argentina )15.-sofia bidondo( Argentina )16.- Ma. Marta Soruco ( Argentina )17.- Cyntia Mariela Roitman ( Argentina )18.-Aldana Martínez ( Argentina )19.- Adriana Salomon ( Argentina )20.-fernando valussi( argentina )21.-MARIANELA SANCHEZ( ARGENTINA )22.- Leyes Alberto Fabian ( Argentina ).-23.- Augusto Patricio Mateos ( Argentina - Chaco )24.- Maria Alejandra Bury ( Argentina - Chaco )25.- Claudio Alexis Agnesio ( Argentina - Chaco )26.- Cesar Abel Falcon(Argentina-Chaco)27-MARIANA GOMEZ MARTINEZ28-SILVIA CLAUDIA GIMENEZ29-NELIDA BEATRIZ MARTINEZ 30-MARIA ESTHER URSU 31- NATHIA JUDKEVICH ( Argentina )32-MARINA JUDKEVICH ( Argentina )33-MARIANA JUDKEVICH (Aregentina)34- Bogado Espinoza, Lorena Abi ( Argentina )35- Ortiz, Natalia Muriel ( Argentina )36- Marcelo Rodrigues de Rezende (Sorocaba-Brasil) 37- Thais Chenchi Santana (Sorocaba-Brasil)38- Lilian Yoshie Kato ( Sorocaba - Brasil)39 - DIOGO CRISTO ( Sorocaba - Pindorama - Gaya ) 40 - DANILO GOMES ( Sorocaba - Cidade de Mentiras)41- Tiago Holtz Guerreiro (Sorocaba- Brasil)42 - Laura Nunes Garcia Vieira ( Sorocaba - Brasil)43 - Anderson Schmitt Junkes (Jandira - Brasil)44 - Eronides Santos Filho (Jandira - Brasil)45 - Suzana Lopes Ribeiro ( Jandira - Brasil )46 - Paulo Henrique Ferreira (Cotia/SP Brasil)47 - André Luiz da Fonseca Roberto ( Carapicuiba/ Brasil )48 - Jean Paulo Camargo Costa (CARAPICUIBA/ BRASIL)49 - Rodrigo de Jesus Ferreira (Jandira - Brasil)50- Bárbara Tabain Seslija de Sá (Jandira - SP - Brasil)51 - Ana paula Morina Ferreira (Barueri - SP - Brasil)52-Bárbara Louise (São Paulo-SP-Brasil)53-Diego Lima (Carapicuíba-SP-Brasil) 54 – Wanda leila de Oliveira marra ( Osasco – SP –Brasil ) 55 – Joilva Duarte (Osasco-Brasil) 56 - Patricia M. Dias ( São Paulo - Brasil)
57- Eduardo M. Dias ( São Paulo - Brasil)58 – Wagner R. Franco (São Paulo – Brasil) 59- Ruth Cristina Serafim (São Paulo - Brasil) 60- Thiago Silva (São Paulo - Brasil) 61 - Cristiano S. de Moraes (Rio de Janeiro - Brasil) 62 - Kelly Lopes Dias (São Paulo - Brasil) 63 - Fábio Ferreira / São Paulo - Brasil 64- Fábio Araujo / São paulo - Brasil 65- Marcia Stevaux/ São Paulo - Brasil 66 - Débora Gisele Ferraz - Brasil 67- Andrea Alexandre de Carvalho 68 - Adilson dos Santos Pinto (Cruzeiro SP) 69 - Francisco ReZende (Lorena-SP) 70- Mislane Souza Prates( São Paulo-Brasil) 71 - Janderson Dutra (Rio de Janeiro-RJ - Brasil) 72 - CECÍLIA SANTOS (SÃO PAULO) – BRASIL73- KÁTIA I. SANTOS ( SÃO PAULO ) - BRASIL74- Maria L Lima - (Rolândia - Brasil)75 – Marilise G.Z. Solle (Rolândia-Brasil) 76- Luis Fernando Silva de Almeida (Rolândia Pr- Brasil) 77- Adriana Amaral de Souza (Rolândia Pr - Brasil)78 – Carlos Alberto Ferreira do Amaral (Rolãndia PR – Brasil)79 - Lilian Carla de Souza Gonzalez ( Londrina - Pr. - Brasil)80 – Ailton Valdivino da Silva - (Uberlândia – MG - Brasil) 81 - Heliza Piosiadlo (Uberlândia - MG – Brasil82 - Patrícia Cordeiro ( Joaçaba-SC-Brasil)83 - Danielle Argenton (Herval D' Oeste - SC - Brasil)84 - Valdirene Soares ( Joaçaba - SC - BRASIL )85 - Luiz Sérgio Belló - Joaçaba SC Brasil86- Eduardo Wieser -SC- Brasil87- Julio Pancera (Navegantes, SC - Brasil)88- Fredi Goede (Pomerode, SC Brasil)89 – Mario L.Fanton90 - Valério Littig (Curitiba - Brasil )100-cassia cavalheiro101 - Paulo Terumitsu Ishii [Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil]102- Caroline Niro ( Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil103-Alexandre Batista(Londres-Inlaterra)104-udson bergues de almeida 105 - Inês Calazans, Alemanha 106 - Anabela Martins - Portugal107 - Luisa Sequeira - Silves /PORTUGAL108 - Alzira Rodrigues - Silves / Portugal109 - Cremilde Ribeiro - A. de Pêra / Portugal110 - Augusto Miguens - Elvas / Portugal111 - Natália miguens - Elvas / Portugal112 - Manuela Santos - Carcavelos / Portugal113 - Carla Santos - Oeiras / Portugal114 - Maria Carlos Barreto de Carvalho - Carcavelos / Portugal115 - Eliete Mendes - Lisboa / Portugal116 - Conceição Oliveira - Lisboa / Portugal117 - Mariana Domingues - Portugal118 - Joana Murtinha - Portugal119 - Filipa Almeida - Portugal120 - Iolanda Fontes - South Africa121 - Kalen Viljoen - South Africa
122 – Wendy Golding – South Africa
123 – Inge Strugnell – Botswana
124 – Philippa Lee - Botswana
125 - Ilse Swart
126 - Miche de beer
127 - Celeste Smit
128 – Esmé Venter
129 – Nathan Seidler – South Africa
130 – Julie Seidler – South Africa
131-Sellandene Louw
132 – Belinda Nienaber – South Africa
133 – Elma Grobler – South Africa
134 – Charlene Kotze
135 – Mytle Kotze
136 – Kobus Campher
137 – Leana Kotze
138 – Deon Kotze
139 – Danie Kotze
140 – Yolindi Kotze
141-Marco De Bruin (Dubai)
142 - Irene de Klerk (Dubai)
143-Nicky Liguori
144-Julian Liguori
145 - Michelle Christie - Dubai
146 - Warren Christie - Dubai
145 - Marie' Henning - South Africa
146 - Wendy Hayden - London
147- Craig Manson South Africa
148 – Kim Hendricks – South Africa
149- James harms - south africa
150-Lorraine Roberts, Northern Territory, Australia
151- Sherice Lange, perth, western australia
152 - Kristen Letton, Perth, WA, Australia
153 – Bev Letton – Perth WA
154 - John Boundey - Alice Springs NT
155 - Rod Crush - Murray Bridge SA
156 - Val Crush - Murray Bridge – SA
157 – Suzie Davies – Nairne SA
158 – Jeremy Davies – Nairne SA
159 - Annette Boehm - Brighton South Australia
160 - Kim Boehm - Brighton South Australia
161 - Courtney Boehm - Brighton South Australia
162 - Georgette Boehm - Brighton South Australia
163 - Kristen Hemingway, France
164 - Tony Greenwood - France
165 - Oliver Greenwood - France
166 - Charlie Greenwood - France
167 - Andree Hemingway - Sydney, Australia
168 - John Hemingway - Sydney, Australia
169 - Nick Hemingway - Sydney, Australia
168 - Jolie Hemingway - Sydney, Australia
169 Nina van Doornum, Amsterdam
170 Mirjana Vukusic, Australia
171 Svenja Petry, Australia
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Verstorben - neues Gedicht
Wenn die Zeit stirbt
Und den Ort verläßt
Nichts überDauert
Alles zerFällt
In die Schatten gePressT
Das Schweigen
Der ÜberWurf aus Entschuldigungen
Und hämmert im Dunkel
Das Schwarz noch samtener
Wenn die Zeit stirbt
Und den Ort verläßt
Nichts überDauert
Alles zerFällt
In die Schatten gePressT
Das Schweigen
Der ÜberWurf aus Entschuldigungen
Und hämmert im Dunkel
Das Schwarz noch samtener