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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Verstorben - neues Gedicht


Wenn die Zeit stirbt
Und den Ort verläßt
Nichts überDauert
Alles zerFällt

In die Schatten gePressT
Das Schweigen
Der ÜberWurf aus Entschuldigungen

Und hämmert im Dunkel
Das Schwarz noch samtener


  1. Hello, we've seen on twitter, "chiehching", but I found I cannot send you message there, so I thought I'd better leave my question here. I'm planning to write some thing about " German and Italian cultures comparison" it will be the basis for my next step of cross cultural analysis. I hope I can talk to you one time and if you'd like and if you donot mind, could you please leave me your email or any contact you prefer via twitter message to me, and I will write you back soon. And again, thanks very much your help:-)I hope it won't bother you too much.All the best. Chiehching

  2. I'll see, that we can talk on Twitter!
