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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

ACR2011 and Fibromyalgia (4)

Quite a lot of posters on fibromyalgia! I’ve taken a couple of abstracts as a couple of things might be new to one or another. It’s a very private selection. I won’t advocate some of the wonderdrugs the pharma industry is eager to promote.

Cannabinoid Use in Fibromyalgia Is Associated with Male Gender, Opioid Use and Drug Seeking Behaviour
Peter A. Ste-Marie and colleagues were interested in the use of cannabinoids in fibromyalgia. The endocannabinoid system plays a role in pain modulatory mechanisms, but little is known about the effect of administered cannabinoids in chronic pain or fibromyalgia. The authors examined the use of cannabinoids in patients with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Cannabinoid users were more likely to be male, be taking opioids, and demonstrate drug-seeking behaviours. A tendency for unstable current mental illness and unemployment was found for cannabinoid users. The authors caution to recommend the use of cannabinoids until a “rigorous evaluation” has been done.

[TUE] 1906
Cannabinoid Use in Fibromyalgia Is Associated with Male Gender, Opioid Use and Drug Seeking Behaviour.
Peter A. Ste-Marie1, Mary-Ann Fitzcharles2, Ann Gamsa2, Pantelis Panopalis2 and Yoram Shir2.
1University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, 2McGill University, Montreal, QC
Conclusion: Cannabinoids were used by 13% of all patients referred with a diagnosis of FM, and 1/3 of all males. Illicit marijuana was the most cannabinoid used. The concomitant use of opioids as well as an increased rate of drug seeking behaviour raises concerns regarding the true motive for this category of mostly self medication. Although cannabinoids may possibly offer a therapeutic effect for pain relief, caution regarding any recommendation for use should be exercised until these agents are subject to rigorous evaluation in view of concerns regarding psychological health and an association with other substance abuse.

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