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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Fibromyalgia Research – quo vadis?

Fibromyalgia research – quo vadis? And where should research be heading to? The problem with research in fibromyalgia is the change of paradigm which has taken place during the past 10 years or so. While there has been more basic research before, the focus has shifted to drug research, which is funded by the pharma industry, and other research, which is neceassary, but won’t get us forward to know better the basic facts of the changes that start or maintain the disease. We were so excited when we learned that changes in the HPA-axis are important in fibromyalgia.
Let’s have a look at the studies and filter out, what might belong to better understanding fibromyalgia or to drug research. And be patient as there have been a lot of studies at the 2011 ACR meeting.

[SUN] 735
Long-Term Outcomes In Fibromyalgia Patients Treated with Cortical Electrostimulation.
Jeffrey B. Hargrove1, Robert M. Bennett2 and Daniel J. Clauw3.
1Kettering University, Flint, MI, 2Oregon Health & Science Univ, Portland, OR, 3University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

[SUN] 737
Cortical Oscillatory Changes During Mechanical Brushing in Fibromyalgia Syndrome Patients.
Nick Fallon, Yee Ho Chiu, Xiaoyun Li, Turo Nurmikko and Andrej Stancak.
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Gives some insights to somatosensory cortex activation, disinhibition , potentially stronger recruitment of thalamic neurons …

[SUN] 739
Nocebo in Fibromyalgia: Meta-Analysis of Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trials and Implications for Practice.
DD Mitsikostas1, NG Chalarakis1, LI Mantonakis1, E. Delicha2 and PP Sfikakis2.
1Naval Hospital, Athens, Greece, Athens, Greece, 2First Department of Propaedeutic and Internal Medicine, Laiko, Athens University Medical School, Greece, Athens, Greece

[SUN] 740
The Performance of American College of Rheumatology 2010 Diagnostic Criteria for Fibromyalgia Among Fibromyalgia Patients Seen in a Rheumatology Clinic and Diagnosed by 1990 Classification Criteria.
Muhammad B. Yunus and Jean C. Aldag.
University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria, Peoria, IL

[MON] 902
Economic Burden of Fibromyalgia: A Systematic Review and Meta-
John B. Wong, Marcia P. Griffith and Chenchen Wang.
Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA

[MON] 925
Milnacipran Improves Health Outcomes in Fibromyalgia Patients Who Have Had An Inadequate Response to Duloxetine Treatment As Measured by PROMIS Computer Adaptive Testing.
Steven I. Blum, Stavros Tourkodimitris and Allan Spera.
Forest Research Institute, Jersey City, NJ
Drug research!

[MON] 926
The Frequency of Fibromyalgia Syndrome and the Quality of Life in Patients with Periton Dialysis.
Muyesser Okumus, Hulya Parpucu, Seher Kocaoglu, Esma Ceceli, Pinar Borman and Murat Duranay.
Ministry of Health Ankara Education and Training Hospital, Ankara, Turkey

[MON] 927
Correlates of Word Finding Deficits in Fibromyalgia.
Robert S. Katz and Frank Leavitt.
Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL
”Slow naming speed likely reflects time delays in accessing the mental lexicon.”

[MON] 928
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Fibromyalgia: Evidence of a Subclinical Neuropathy?
Robert S. Katz1 and Bhagwan Shahani2. 1Rush University
Medical Center, Chicago, IL, 2University of Chicago Hospital, Chicago
“Almost one third of the fibromyalgia patients tested were found to have carpal tunnel syndrome.”
Is there enough force in this study to shift from central pain processing back to pheripheral nerve alterations? Or are these findings an epiphenomenon?

[MON] 929
Designing a Fibromyalgia Screening Questionnaire for Primary Care Settings.
Robert S. Katz1, Alexandra Small2, Lauren Kwan3, Patricia Kuenzi1 and Jessica L. Polyak3.
1Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, 2University of Illinois Medical School, 3Rheumatology Associates, Chicago, IL

[MON] 930
The Effectiveness of Long-Term and Short-Term Interdisciplinary Treatment Approaches in Female Patients with Fibromyalgia.
Ilknur Saral1, Dilsad Sindel1, Ozlem S. Berk2 and Sina Esmaeilzadeh1.
1Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters, Istanbul, Turkey

[MON] 931
Continuing Efficacy of Milnacipran Demonstrated After Long-Term Treatment of Fibromyalgia.
Daniel J. Clauw1, Philip J. Mease2, Yimin Ma3, Arlene Baldecchi3, Robert H. Palmer3 and Joel M. Trugman3. 1University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2Seattle Rheumatology Associates and Swedish Medical Center, Seattle, WA, 3Forest Research Institute, Jersey City, NJ
Drug research!

[MON] 932
The Care Gap in Management of Fibromyalgia: A Needs Assessment Prompting the Development of Clinically Relevant Guidelines for the Diagnosis, Management and Follow-up of Patients.
Peter A. Ste-Marie1, Mary-Ann Fitzcharles2, Pantelis Panopalis2, John Pereira3 and Yoram Shir2.
1University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, 2McGill University, Montreal, QC, 3University of Calgary, Calgary, AB

[MON] 933
Supporting Evidence for the Clinical Utility of the Pain Subscale of the American College of Rheumatology 2010 Preliminary Diagnostic Criteria for Fibromyalgia.
Peter A. Ste-Marie1, Marc-Olivier Martel2,Mary-Ann Fitzcharles2 and Yoram Shir2.
1University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, 2McGill University, Montreal, QC

[MON] 934
Fibromyalgia Syndrome in the General Population of Israel: A Prevalence Study.
Jacob N. Ablin1, Anat Oren2, Sarit Cohen3, Valerie Aloush1, Ori Elkayam4, Yonatan Wolman1 and Mark Berman1.
1Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, 3Carmel Medical Center, Haifa, Israel, 4Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center and the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

[MON] 935
Concordance Between Subjective Dry Eye Symptoms and Objective Findings in Fibromyalgia Patients.
Marco Antivalle, Michele Battellino, Alberto Batticciotto, Maria Chiara Ditto, Alessandra Mutti. Gabriella Santalena,
Valentina Varisco and Piercarlo Sarzi-Puttini, L. Sacco University Hospital, Milano, Italy

[MON] 936
High Prevalence of Fibromyalgia Symptoms Among Healthy Full Term Pregnant.
Sharon Saad, Ariel Many, Giris Jacob and Jacob N. Ablin. Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel

[MON] 937
Fibromyalgia: Can Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Help?
Gwendoline Menga1, Bobby J. Dupre2, Carl Gauthier3, William E. Davis4, Tamika A. Webb-Detiege5, Eve Scopelitis3, Jerald M. Zakem4 and Robert Quinet6.
1Ochsner Clinic Center, New Orleans, LA, 2Ochsner Health System, Baton Rouge, LA, 3Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New Orleans, LA, 4Ochsner Clinic, New Orleans, LA, 5Ochsner Medical Ctr, New Orleans, LA, 6Ochsner Medical Center - New Orleans, New Orleans, LA

[MON] 938
The 2010 American College of Rheumatology Fibromyalgia Survey Diagnostic Criteria and Symptom Severity Scale Is Valid and Reliable in a French Speaking Fibromyalgia Cohort.
Peter A. Ste-Marie1, Pantelis Panopalis2, Mary-Ann Fitzcharles2, Henri A. Menard3, Yoram Shir2 and Frederick Wolfe4.
1University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, 2McGill University, Montreal, QC, 3Montreal General Hospital, Montreal, QC, 4National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases, Wichita, KS

[MON] 939
The Michigan Body Map and Its Use in Assessing the American College of Rheumatology Survey Criteria for Fibromyalgia.
Chad M. Brummett1, Afton L. Hassett2, Katherine A. Brummett1, Daniel J. Clauw3 and David A. Williams4.
1University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, MI, 2University, of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI, 3University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 4Univ of MI Hlth System-Lobby M, Ann Arbor, MI

[MON] 940
Longitudinal Assessment of Fibromyalgia in Young Adults Previously Diagnosed with Juvenile Fibromyalgia.
Tracy V. Ting1, Daniel Strotman1, Emily Verkamp1, Anjali Desai1, Anne Lynch-Jordan1, Lesley M. Arnold2 and Susmita Kashikar-Zuck1.
1Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, 2University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

[MON] 941
Prevalence of Physician-Diagnosed Fibromyalgia and Fibromyalgia-Related Fatigue in Olmsted County.
Ann Vincent1, Debra L. Barton2, Daniel J. Clauw3, Mary Whipple1, Brian Lahr4, Eric Hawkins1, Terry H. Oh2, Connie Luedtke1 and Jennifer St.Sauver4.
1Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, Rochester, MN, 2Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, 3University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 4Mayo Clinic, Rochester

[MON] 942
What Does Affect the Sexual Behaviour in Fibromyalgic Patients?
Laura Bazzichi1, Alessandra Rossi2, Ciro Conversano2, Camillo Giacomelli2, Claudia Ferrari1, Francesca De Feo2, Francesca Sernissi2, Marica Doveri2, Linda Carli2 and Stefano Bombardieri1. 1Rheumatology Unit, Pisa, Italy, 2University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

[MON] 943
Functional MRI (fMRI) in Patients with Cognitive Dysfunction Related to Fibromyalgia (Fibrofog).
Robert S. Katz1, Vy T. Dinh1, Glen Stebbins2 and Frank Leavitt1.
1Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, 2Rush University Medical Center, Chicago
Pilot study with 2 patients only.

[MON] 970
Reduced Insular Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid in Fibromyalgia.
Bradley Foerster1, Myria Petrou1, Richard Edden2, Pia Sundgren1, Tobias Schmidt-Wilcke1, Suzan E. Lowe1, Steven Harte1, Daniel J. Clauw1 and Richard E. Harris1.
1University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD
Well, see #971 and know, what I mean.

[MON] 971
Pregabalin Reduces Posterior Insula Combined Glutamate and Glutamine in Fibromyalgia.
Richard E. Harris1, John P. Huggins2, Lynne Pauer2, Pia Sundgren1, Craig Urwin1, Kathy Scott1 and Daniel J. Clauw1.
1University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2Pfizer Inc., Sandwich, United Kingdom
Drug research!

[MON] 1566
Dysautonomia and Chronotropic Incompetence in Fibromyalgia.
Roberta P. C. Ribeiro1, Thalita Dassouki2, Luiz A. Perandini2, Guilherme G. Artioli1, Ana L. G. Calich3, Ana Lucia S. Pinto4, Hamilton Roschel5, Fernanda R. Lima6, Eloisa Bonfa7 and Bruno Gualano8.
1University of Sao Paulo,, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2University of Sao Paulo, Rheumatology Division, LACRE, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 3University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 4University of Sao Paulo, School of Medicine, Rheumatology Division, LACRE, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 5University of Sao Paulo, School of Physical Education and Sport, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 6University of Sao Paulo, School of Medicine, Rheumatology Division, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 7Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo (FMUSP), Sao Paulo, Brazil, 8University of Sao Paulo,School of Physical Education and Sport, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Quite a bit of names and places.

[MON] 1577
Conception, Family Size and Miscarriages in Fibromyalgia Patients.
Robert S. Katz1, Sharon M. Ferbert2, Patricia Kuenzi1, Jessica L. Polyak3 and Susan Shott1.
1Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, 2Advocates for Funding Fibromyalgia Treatment, Education and Research(AFFTER), Libertyville, IL, 3Rheumatology Associates, Chicago, IL

[MON] 1605
Continued Opioid Use in Fibromyalgia Is Associated with Negative Health Related Outcomes.
Peter A. Ste-Marie1, Mary-Ann Fitzcharles2, Marc-Olivier Martel2, Ann Gamsa2, Pantelis Panopalis2 and Yoram Shir2.
1University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, 2McGill University, Montreal, QC
I like this study, because it might help arguing to getting patients off unnecessary but harmful drugs.

[MON] 1606
5-HT2C Receptor Agonists Attenuate Muscle Pain in a Rat Model of Fibromyalgia.
Shinichi Ogino, Mina Tsukamoto, Yukinori Nagakura, Tomonari Watabiki, Yasuaki Shimizu and Hiroyuki Ito. Astellas Pharma Inc., Tsukuba, Japan
Pre drug research!

[MON] 1607
Mechanisms of Improvement in Fibromyalgia Symptoms in a Clinical Trial of Exercise: Increased Fitness or Hawthorne Effect?
Steven A. Mazzuca1, Anthony Kaleth2, Chandan Saha3, James Slaven3 and Dennis C. Ang4.
1Indiana Univ Schl of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, 2Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, 3Indiana University, 4Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN

[MON] 1608
Study of the Measurement Properties of the Arnold Fibromyalgia Diagnostic Screen: Results From a Cross-Sectional Study.
Susan Martin1, Cheryl Coon2, Lori McLeod2, Arthi Chandran3 and Lesley M. Arnold4.
1RTI-Health Solutions, Ann Arbor, MI, 2RTI-Health Solutions, Research Triangle Park, 3Pfizer, New York, 4University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

[MON] 1609
A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Switch Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of Milnacipran in Patients with An Inadequate Response to Duloxetine for the Treatment of Fibromyalgia.

Lucinda Bateman1, Allan Spera2, Robert H. Palmer2, Joel M. Trugman2 and Jennifer Lin2.
1The Fatigue Consultation Clinic, Salt Lake City, UT, 2Forest Research Institute, Jersey City, NJ
Drug research!

[MON] 1610
An 11-Year Longitudinal Study of Pharmacologic Therapy in Fibromyalgia.
Frederick Wolfe1, Brian T. Walitt2, Robert S. Katz3, Yvonne C. Lee4, Kaleb D. Michaud5 and Winfried Häuser6.
1National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases, Wichita, KS, 2Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC, 3Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, 4Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, 5Univ of Nebraska Med Ctr & National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases, Omaha, NE, 6Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany
My favourite study, because it might help arguing getting patients off unnecessary but harmful drugs. Wonderful presentation.

[TUE] 1899
Stress Is a Key Modulator of Mood, Coping, Type of Control and Characteristic Symptoms in Females with Fibromyalgia.
Katrina Malin1 and Geoffrey O. Littlejohn2.
1Monash Medical Centre, Clayton, Australia, 2Monash Medical Center, Melbourne, Australia
(OT: miss not having met Geoff in Chicago)

[TUE] 1900
Fibromyalgia and Parental Medical Histories of Depression and Alcoholism.
Robert S. Katz1, Ben J. Small2, Sharon M. Ferbert3, Patricia Kuenzi1 and Susan Shott1.
1Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, 2Rush University Medical School, Chicago, IL, 3Advocates for Funding Fibromyalgia Treatment, Education and Research(AFFTER), Libertyville, IL

[TUE] 1901
The Survey Diagnostic Criteria of Fibromyalgia Syndrome—Results From the German Fibromyalgia Syndrome Consumer Reports.
Winfried Häuser1, Eva Jung1 and Frederick Wolfe2.
1Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany, 2National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases, Wichita, KS

[TUE] 1902
Prevalence of Fibromyalgia at the Medical Out Patient Clinic Kenyatta National Hospital.
Sophia Dokwe and Omondi.G Oyoo.
University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya

[TUE] 1903
Fibromyalgia in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Association with Fatigue and Disease Activity: Comparison of 2010 Versus 1990 Criteria.
Vinicius Domingues, Hong Fang and Michelle Petri.
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD

[TUE] 1904
Return of Pain and Functional Impairment After Discontinuation of Milnacipran in Patients with Fibromyalgia. Philip J. Mease1, Daniel J. Clauw2, Yimin Ma3, Arlene Baldecchi3, Joel M. Trugman3 and Robert H. Palmer3.
1Seattle Rheumatology Associates and Swedish Medical Center, Seattle, WA, 2University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, MI, 3Forest Research Institute, Jersey City, NJ
Drug research!

[TUE] 1905
Safety and Tolerability of Milnacipran in a 3-Year, Open-Label, Flexible-Dosing Study of Patients with Fibromyalgia.

Lesley M. Arnold1, Yimin Ma2, Robert H. Palmer2, Allan Spera2 and Arlene Baldecchi2.
1University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH, 2Forest Research Institute, Jersey City, NJ
Drug research!

[TUE] 1906
Cannabinoid Use in Fibromyalgia Is Associated with Male Gender, Opioid Use and Drug Seeking Behaviour.
Peter A. Ste-Marie1, Mary-Ann Fitzcharles2, Ann Gamsa2, Pantelis Panopalis2 and Yoram Shir2.
1University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, 2McGill University, Montreal, QC

[TUE] 1907
3-Year Efficacy of Milnacipran in Patients with Fibromyalgia: An Open-Label, Flexible-Dosing Study.
Lesley M. Arnold1, Yimin Ma2, Robert H. Palmer2, Allan Spera2 and Arlene Baldecchi2.
1University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH, 2Forest Research Institute, Jersey City, NJ
Drug research!

[TUE] 1908
Improvements in Fatigue Are Incompletely Explained by Improvements in Pain in Fibromyalgia Patients Treated with Milnacipran.
Philip J. Mease1, Robert H. Palmer2, Yong Wang2 and R. Michael Gendreau3.
1Seattle Rheumatology Associate and Swedish Medical Center, Seattle, WA, 2Forest Research Institute, Jersey City, NJ, 3Cypress Bioscience, Inc., San Diego, CA
Drug research!

[TUE] 1909
Alcohol Consumption and Symptom Severity in Patients with Fibromyalgia.
Terry H. Oh, Chul H. Kim, Connie Luedtke, Jeffery Thompson and Ann Vincent.
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

[TUE] 1910
Six-Month Treatment Patterns and Outcomes for Patients with Fibromyalgia.
Rebecca Robinson1, Kurt Kroenke2, David A. Williams3, Yi Chen4, Madelaine M. Wohlreich5, Bill McCarberg6 and Philip J. Mease7.
1Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN, 2Indiana University Regenstrief Institute, Indianapolis, IN, 3Univ of MI Hlth System-Lobby M, Ann Arbor, MI, 4i3, Ann Arbor, MI, 5Lilly USA, Indianapolis, IN, 6Kaiser Permanente, Escondido, CA, 7Seattle Rheumatology Associate, Seattle, WA

[TUE] 1911
Subgrouping Chronic Pain Patients At a Tertiary Care Center Based on the Presence of Fibromyalgia Symptoms.
Afton L. Hassett1, Chad M. Brummett2, Jenna Goesling2, Kevin Rakovitis2, Daniel J. Clauw3 and David A. Williams4. 1University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI, 2University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, MI, 3University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 4Univ of MI Hlth System-Lobby M, Ann Arbor, MI

[TUE] 1912
Smoking and Fibromyalgia: The Need for a Multidisciplinary Approach to Treatment.
Jenna Goesling1, Chad M. Brummett1, Kevin Rakovitis1, Daniel J. Clauw2 and Afton L. Hassett3.
1University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, MI, 2University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 3University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI
Interesting and useful research, as one can counsel fibromyalgia patients to quit smoking.

[TUE] 1913
Perspectives on Fibromyalgia From Trainees At An Academic Health Center.
Jennifer Lobert1, Xolti Morgan1 and Lesley M. Arnold2.
1University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, 2University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

[TUE] 1914
EpiFibro—A Brazilian Nationwide Databank in Fibromyalgia— Analysis of 500 Women. Roberto E. Heymann1, Eduardo S. Paiva2, Marcelo C. Rezende3, Daniel Feldman4, Milton Helfenstein Jr.1, Jose E. Martinez5, Jose R. Provenza6, Aline Ranzolin7, Luiz S. Ribeiro8 and Eduardo J.R. Souza9.
1Universidade Federal de Sa˜o Paulo, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil, 2Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba, Brazil, 3Santa Casa de Campo Grande, Campo Grande, Brazil, 4Universidade Federal de Sa˜o Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 5Pontifı´cia Universidade Cato´lica de Sa˜o Paulo, Sorocaba, Brazil, 6Pontifı´cia Universidade Cato´lica de Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, 7Hospital das Clı´nicas - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, 8Instituto de Prevideˆncia dos Servidores do Estado de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 9Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Quite a bit of names and places.

[TUE] 1915
EpiFibro—A Brazilian Nationwide Databank in Fibromyalgia—2010 Fibromyalgia Criteria, “Fibromyalgianess” Score and FIQ Performances.
Eduardo S. Paiva1, Roberto E. Heymann2, Marcelo C. Rezende3, Daniel Feldman4, Milton Helfenstein Jr.5, Jose E. Martinez6, Jose R. Provenza7, Aline Ranzolin8, Luiz S. Ribeiro9 and Eduardo J.R. Souza10.
1Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba Parana, Brazil, 2UNIFESP - Universidade Federal de Sa˜o Paulo, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil, 3Santa Casa de Campo Grande, Campo Grande, Brazil, 4Universidade Federal de de Sa˜o Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 5Universidade Federal de de Sa˜o Paulo, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil, 6Pontifı´cia Universidade Cato´lica de Sa˜o Paulo, Sorocaba, Brazil, 7Pontifı´cia Universidade Cato´lica de Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, 8Hospital das Clı´nicas - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, 9Instituto de Previde ˆncia dos Servidores do Estado de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 10Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Quite a bit of names and places.

[TUE] 1916
A Randomized, Double-Blind Comparison of Duloxetine 30 Mg Once Daily (QD) and Placebo in Adult Patients with Fibromyalgia.
Lesley M. Arnold1, Shuyu Zhang2 and Beth Pangallo3.
1University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH, 2Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN, 3ELi Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN
Drug research!

[TUE] 1917
Therapeutic Massage on Pain Relief for Fibromyalgia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Lingjun Kong1, Raveendhara R. Bannuru2, Weian Yuan1, Ying-wu Cheng1, Min Fang1, Timothy McAlindon2 and Chenchen Wang2.
1Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Yueyang Hospital, Shanghai, China, 2Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA

[TUE] 2408
Family Stress in Childhood of Patients with Fibromyalgia.
Robert S. Katz1, Sharon M. Ferbert2, Ben J. Small3 and Susan Shott1.
1Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, 2Advocates for Funding Fibromyalgia Treatment, Education and Research(AFFTER), Libertyville, IL, 3Rush University Medical School, Chicago, IL

[TUE] 2409
Childhood Social Ostracism in Fibromyalgia.
Afton L. Hassett1, Sharon M. Ferbert2, Susan Shott3 and Robert S. Katz3.
1University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI, 2Advocates for Funding Fibromyalgia Treatment, Education and Research(AFFTER), Libertyville, IL, 3Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL

[WED] 2564
Psychiatric Disorders in Fibromyalgia Patients, Results Patient Survey.
Robert S. Katz1, Sharon M. Ferbert2, Alexandra Small3, Susan Shott1 and Patricia Kuenzi1.
1Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, 2Advocates for Funding Fibromyalgia Treatment, Education and Research(AFFTER), Libertyville, IL, 3University of Illinois Medical School

Why isn’t there more interest in other hypothalamus-pituary axes? What about the sympathetic nervous system? Somatotropin?
Read the “Medscape Rheumatology” controversy: “Is Fibromyalgia Real?” by Jonathan Kay, MD, and Charles E. Argoff, MD [courtesy of @
carvicab: End of year´s lists. According to Medscape this are the Top Ten Rheumatology Articles 2011 #rheumatol ...], and you will agree that basic research in fibromyalgie is still needed.

1 comment:

  1. Fibomyalgia is called a invisible syndrome. Because it is so difficult to diagnose this disease by lab test. 2%-4% of the people are affected by this syndrome and most of them are women. Fibromyalgia treatment
