Blog von Dr. med. Lothar M. Kirsch / 祁建德 // Rheumatic Diseases / Fibromyalgia / Travels / Languages / Poetry
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Monday, December 19, 2011
The King is dead! Long live the King!
With Kim Jong Il dead question and speculation rises who will follow him. Most promising candidate is Kim Jong Un, in the West perhaps known as Brilliant Comrade, but then called by the honorific title of the Young Dear General and is now the Great Successor. His elder halfbrother Kim Jong Nam had fallen out of favour.
Wikipedia on Kim Jong Il:
Wikipedia on Kim Jong Un:
Wikipedia on Kim Jong Nam:
The Guardian on the death of Kim Jong Il:
Other/older entries on North Korea on my blog:
Since I've published this entry, I already have to edit it:
Reuters Reuters Top News: Deceased North Korea leader Kim's son Jong-un is called "Great Successor" by state news agency.
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