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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Baricitinib (LY3009104) at EULAR 2012 in Berlin

Baricitinib (also known as INCB28050, LY3009104) is an oral JAK1 and JAK2 inhibitor. Therapeutic claims include “autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases, rheumatoid arthritis”. ( and

At the EULAR 2012 in Berlin we only saw the late breaking poster, which sums up the study by E. Keystone and colleagues. The study was done to compare efficacy and safety of baricitinib versus placebo in patients with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis with inadequate response to methotrexate. This phase 2b study could demonstrate efficacy.

E. Keystone1, P. Taylor2, M. Genovese3, D. Schlichting4, S. Beattie4, C. Gaich4, R. Fidelus Gort5, M. Luchi5, W.L. Macias4. 1Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada; 2Univ. of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom; 3Stanford Univ., Palo Alto; 4Eli Lilly & Co, Indianapolis; 5Incyte Corp., Wilmington, United States
Conclusions: Clinical efficacy of LY against PBO was demonstrated in this Phase 2b study of LY in combination with background MTX in pts with moderate to severe RA. LY was well tolerated. No new safety signals were detected when compared to previously conducted studies with LY.
[LY = LY3009104 , baricitinib; PBO = placebo; MTX = methotrexate; RA =rheumatoid arthritis.]

This looks promising like other protein kinase inhibitors.

Friday, June 29, 2012



Weiß fliehen die Wolken
An einem SonnenTag
Bis wieder Schnee fällt
Und die Landschaft weißt


Weiß alles
Weil wir die Dunkelheit fürchten


Zuerst winken wir nur
Winken zum Abschied

Dann winken wir durch
Weiter, weiter – weit weg von uns

Wenn wir abWinken
Hören wir bald auf zu winken


Den Müll bringen wir runter
Stopfen ihn in die Tonne
Keine Asche mehr

Unsere Gedanken
Abfall Tag für Tag
Ab in den Sarg
Verbrennen ihn

Wohin nur mit der Asche?

Sammelsurium (110)

Trotz des fortGeschrittenen Jahres tragen einige Frauen MiniRöcke. Ob das Flattern des Rockes ein ähnliches Gefühl bedingt wie das Flattern langer Haare im Wind?

St. Elisabeth -: ein BackSteinBau.
Die herrlichen Fenster in St. Ursula. Nicht das Bunte, das ComicArtige, sondern die Fülle der Symbolik, die immer nur auf eine, den DreiEinigen hindeutet.

Heavy Cross
Gossip (“post-Punk Trio”) singt vom Heavy Cross. Beth Ditto hat zu tragen, aber dafür singt sie hervorragend.

Schiefer Turm
Alle fahren nach Pisa, aber der schiefe Turm hat nur einen NeigungsWinkel von 4,95°. In Suurhusen steht auch ein schiefer KirchTurm und zwar mit einem NeigungsWinkel von 5,19°. Wo aber liegt Suurhusen?

Am Pranger
Die Schweiz stand erneut am Pranger, weil sie im VolksEntscheid über Minarette abstimmen ließ. Katrin Göring-Eckardt: „ReligionsFreiheit kann man nicht zur Abstimmung stellen.“ Doch, man kann, aber dann zeigt man auch, wie wenig ernst man es mit der ReligionsFreiheit nimmt. Aber es stand nicht die ReligionsFreiheit zur Abstimmung sondern das Bauen von Minaretten. Es ist schon ein Ausdruck von Intoleranz, dies zu verbieten.
Die Schweiz hat internationales Ansehen verloren durch Enthüllungen von Geschäften mit den Nationalsozialisten oder als FluchtBurg für SteuerSünder.

Iguratimod at the EULAR 2012

Iguratimod (T-614) is a novel disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD). Iguratimod is characterized by inhibitory effects on immunoglobulin production in B cells as well as inhibiting cytokine production. Its' mode of action comes by suppression of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) activation. Another source gives the following data on pharmacology: “novel disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) - selective inhibitor of cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2), and inhibits the production of interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6, IL-8 and tumour necrosis factor” ( Efficacy and tolerability are comparable to salazosulfapyridine (Keiichi Tanaka: A “long-term safety study of iguratimod in patients with rheumatoid arthritis” by M. Hara and colleagues has already been published in 2007 (Mod Rheumatol. 2007;17(1):10-6. Epub 2007 Feb 20 / The drug has only been studied in Japan so far, but remember where tocilizumab comes from.

Let´s move to the EULAR 2012 in Berlin.
M. Mikami and colleagues presented a study … on mice. Rats, I thought we’re already past this! It shows what has already been published in humans. OK I’m not fond of animal testing, but presented like this, no … it must be old unpublished material.

M. Mikami, H. Murao, J. Funaki, K. Tanaka. Research Laboratories, Toyama Chemical Co., Ltd., Toyama, Japan
Conclusions: Our results suggest that the combination of iguratimod with MTX would demonstrate beneficial effects in RA patients. The switch of MTX to iguratimod could ameliorate the disease in RA patients with inadequate response to MTX.

Let’s give it another try! H. Murao and colleagues found that iguratimod inhibits osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption IN VITRO. “Murine RAW264.7 cells and primary osteoclast precursor monocytes derived from mouse bone marrow (BMMs) were used for experiments.” Not what I was looking for, but knowing this could be useful.

H. Murao1, M. Mikami1, J. Funaki1, K. Muramoto2, K. Tanaka1. 1Research Laboratories, Toyama Chemical Co., Ltd., Toyama; 2Tsukuba Research Laboratories, Eisai Co., Ltd, Tsukuba, Japan
Conclusions: Iguratimod showed the inhibitory effects on osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption via the suppression of NFATc1 expression without blocking the cell proliferation, unlike other DMARDs. These results suggest that such action would contribute to the clinical effect on articular destruction in patients with RA.

You’ve waited long enough! There is indeed some interesting study waiting for you. M. Hara and colleagues presented a study on efficacy and safety of iguratimod in combination with methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis patients with inadequate response to methotrexate. The study is a multi-center, double-blind, placebo controlled phase2/3 study over a period of 52 weeks. 165 patients on verum were compared to 88 patients on placebo. The methotrexate dose has been rather low with 6-8 mg per week. Look for results and conclusions:

M. Hara1, N. Ishiguro2, K. Katayama3, M. Kondo4, T. Sumida5, T. Mimori6, S. Soen7, K. Nagai8, T. Yamaguchi9, K. Yamamoto10, and Iguratimod Clinical Study Group. 1Institute of Rheumatology, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Tokyo; 2Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Nagoya University, Graduate School of Medicine& Faculty of Medicine, Nagoya; 3Katayama Orthopedic Rheumatology Clinic, Asahikawa; 4Kondo Clinic of Rheumatology and Orthopaedic Surgery, Fukuoka; 5Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba; 6Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto; 7Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rheumatology, Nara Hospital, Kinki University School of Medicine, Ikoma; 8Eisai Co., Ltd; 9Toyama Chemical Co., Ltd; 10Department of Allergy and Rheumatology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Results: ACR20 response rate at Week 24 was 69.5% (114/164) in IM and 30.7% (27/88) in PM, demonstrating superiority of IM to PM. ACR50 and ACR70 response rates were 38.4% and 17.1% in IM, 15.9% and 5.7% in PM respectively; therefore, the response rates in IM were statistically higher than those in PM. Incidence of adverse events was 80.5% in IM and 75.0% in PM and the difference was not statistically significant. Serious adverse events were reported by 5 patients in IM and 3 patients in PM.Response rates of ACR20, ACR50 and ACR70 in IM at Week 52 were 71.3%, 49.4% and 23.8%, respectively.
Conclusions: Iguratimod in combination with MTX is promising to become an alternate effective treatment for RA patients with an inadequate response to MTX.

I think iguratimod is indeed a promising candidate for treatment of active rheumatoid arthritis and might become a needed alternative in the conventional (traditional) DMARD class.

Here's the link: 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Fibromyalgie und Diäten

Das Fibromyalgiesyndrom ist keine ernährungsbedingte Erkrankung und so verwundert es nicht, dass es nicht eine Menge von Studien gibt, die einem Zusammenhang von Fibromyalgie und Diät/Ernährung auf den Grund gehen.

Eine Studie der Abteilung für Innere und Integrative Medizin in Essen untersuchte Mittelmeerdiät und Fasten in Hinsicht auf Veränderungen der Stuhlflora und von Ergebnismessungen bei rheumatoider Arthritis und beim Fibromyalgiesyndrom. Eine Änderung bei Fibromyalgiepatienten konnte nicht beobachtet werden.
Michalsen, A. et al.: Mediterranean diet or extended fasting's influence on changing the intestinal microflora, immunoglobulin A secretion and clinical outcome in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia: an observational study. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2005 Dec 22;5:22.  

Eine andere Beobachtungsstudie will einen Zusammenhang zwischen Rohkost und Fibromyalgiesyndron gefunden haben. Allerdings fallen zu viele Teilnehmer aus der Studie, die Studiendauer ist zu kurz (2 oder 4 Monate), weitere Einflußgrößen wurden nicht erfasst. Insgesamt ist der Wert der Studie deshalb gering. Sie wurde 2001 veröffentlicht und nicht verbessert fortgeführt.
Donaldson, MS: Fibromyalgia syndrome improved using a mostly raw vegetarian diet: an observational study. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2001;1:7. Epub 2001 Sep 26.  

Eine Studie aus Bangladesh aus dem Jahr 2000 hatte sich eine vegetarische Diät als Therapie des Fibromyalgiesyndroms zur Aufgabe gemacht. Die Autoren kamen zum Ergebnis, dass eine solche Diät keinen Vorteil bietet („So, it may be concluded that vegetarian diet is a poor option in the treatment of fibromyalgia.“).
Azad, KA et al.: Vegetarian diet in the treatment of fibromyalgia. Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull. 2000 Aug;26(2):41-7.  

Eine Studie aus Finnland ging dem Einfluss von Antioxidantien in der veganen Diät in Hinsicht auf rheumatische Erkrankungen nach. Sie sahen eine Besserung, aber beschreiben im Abstract nicht, wie die Besserung aussah, wie sie gemessen wurde und was für Ergebnisse erzielt wurden. Sie schreiben auch nichts über die Dauer einer Intervention und die Anzahl der untersuchten Personen.
Hänninen, O.: Antioxidants in vegan diet and rheumatic disorders. Toxicology. 2000 Nov 30;155(1-3):45-53.  

In einer anderen Publikation derselben Gruppe werden zwar Signifikanzniveaus angegeben, aber mit weiteren Angaben wird auch hier gespart.
Kaartinen, K.: Vegan diet alleviates fibromyalgia symptoms. Scand J Rheumatol. 2000;29(5):308-13.  

Mehr an wissenschaftlichen Studien war in PubMed nicht zu finden. Findet man es dort nicht, ist es auch wissenschaftlich kaum relevant. Interessant ist auch die Tatsache, dass man seit 2005 keine neuen Studien mehr findet.

Heißt das nun, dass man diätetische Maßnahmen ablehnen müsste. Nein, aber man muss sie kritisch sehen und sollte auch nicht zu hohe Ansprüche an die Maßnahmen stellen.
Manchmal könnten Speisen oder Getränke Auslöser von Beschwerden sein, wie z.B. Alkohol, koffeinhaltige Getränke, Schokolade, Kakao oder verarbeitete Speisen (Zusätze). Dies kann man selbst herausfinden und auf solche Speisen und Getränke verzichten. Die National Fibromyalgia Association (USA) empfiehlt bei beschränkter Evidenzlage auf diätetische Exzitogene wie Glutamat oder Aspartam zu verzichten.
Ich bin nicht der Meinung, dass man Fibromyalgie mit Diät heilen kann, aber beeinflussen wird schon gehen. ist eine englischsprachige Seite. Ich kann nur Teile für gut halten, aber kann daraus empfehlen, eine eigene Kost zusammenzustellen, die so natürlich wie möglich ist. Ich halte viel von vegetarischer Kost, aber den Unterschied zwischen wenig Fleisch/Tierprodukten und frei davon kann man nicht über Gesundheitsaspekte sondern nur über ethische Aspekte ziehen.

Zusammenfassend kann man mit Diät die Behandlung des Fibromyalgiesyndroms nur unterstützen.

PS. Ich bin selbst Vegetarier.

Secukinumab (an Anti-Il17a Monoclonal Antibody) at EULAR 2012

Is secukinumab (AIN457), an anti-IL17A monoclonal antibody, still being studied?

Yes, secukinumab is under scrutiny. M. Genovese and colleagues presented a study, in which secukinumab has been studied patients with rheumatoid arthritis, still active despite methotrexate therapy. “Primary endpoint was the proportion of patients achieving American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 20 at wk16.” This endpoint hasn’t been achieved.

M. Genovese1, H. Kellner2, P. Durez3, C.E. Codding4, G. Ligozio5, H.B. Richards6, C. Escrig6, S. Mpofu6. 1Stanford University, Palo Alto, United States; 2Centre for Inflammatory Joint Diseases, Munich, Germany; 3Université Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium; 4Health Research of Oklahoma, Oklahoma; 5Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hannover, United States; 6Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland
Conclusions: The primary efficacy endpoint was not achieved in this study. Analysis of secondary endpoints suggest that a substantial proportion of patients achieved a consistent ACR50, HAQ-DI and EULAR remission rates improvements through Wk52 in patients with active RA despite stable MTX treatmentwho either remained on or escalated to secukinumab 150mg were observed. These results provide potential evidence for the role of secukinumab in the treatment of RA and support further exploration of secukinumab in RA.

The rest of the studies presented at EULAR 2012 aren’t giving us much more. Secukinumab doesn’t change the lipid profile or the atherogenic risk in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Fatigue improves and the last study concludes that phase 3 studies should focus on 75 and 150 mgs.

P. Durez1, M. Genovese2, H. Kellner3, C. Codding4, G. Ligozio5, H. Richards6, C. Escrig6, S. Mpofu6. 1Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Université Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium; 2Stanford University, California, United States; 3Centre for Inflammatory Joint Diseases, Munich, Germany; 4Health Research of Oklahoma, Oklahoma; 5Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hanover, United States; 6Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland
Conclusions: Treatment with secukinumab was not associated with changes in the lipid profile or the atherogenic risk in patients with RA.

A. Gnanasakthy1, M. Kosinski2, P. Durez3, U. Mallya1, S. Mpofu4. 1Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hanover; 2QualityMetric Incorporated, Lincoln, RI, United States; 3Université Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium; 4Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland
Conclusions: IRT methods offer a promising approach to improving the measurement of fatigue in treatment studies of RA.

A. Gnanasakthy1, M. Kosinski2, M. Genovese3, U. Mallya1, S. Mpofu4. 1Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hanover; 2QualityMetric Incorporated, Lincoln, RI; 3Stanford University School of Medicine, California, United States; 4Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland
Conclusions: In patients on secukinumab with greater ACR responses there were associated relevant benefits in the patients overall physical, social, role functioning, and psychological well-being.

V. Strand1, M. Genovese1, U. Mallya2, H. Richards3, S. Mpofu3. 1Stanford University School of Medicine, California; 2Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hanover, United States; 3Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland
Conclusions: A dose response in reported improvements in HRQoL was evident with 75mg and 150mg, exceeding those observed with 25mg, 300mg and placebo. From an HRQoL perspective, these findings support the selection of secukinumab 75mg and 150mg doses for future phase 3 RCTs in RA.

All in all these studies and secukinumab leave me a bit disappointed. I still hope, that the drug could be useful as we still lack different modes of action to change therapies that aren’t working for our patients. I’m looking forward to the next meetings.

Other blogpost on Secukinumab include:

Sammelsurium (109)

Die dicken FleischFachVerkäuferinnen
Die dicken FleischFachVerkäuferinnen! Aber immerhin hat die Ausbildung ein SelbstVerständnis vermitteln können, auch Stolz; das ist meines Erachtens nicht in allen AusbildungsBerufen gelungen. Da stehen sie fröhlich und rotund an ihrer FleischTheke, die auf die Straße weist.

Köln Arcaden
Die Köln Arcaden sind auf winterlich, auf weihnachtlich getrimmt, während draußen die Natur anderer Meinung ist. Die meint glatt, der nächste Winter ist noch ein Jahr entfernt und die Büsche tragen schon Knospen und sogar einige Blüten. Von den Decken in den Arcaden hängen kleine GlühBirnen, die mich an die GlühWürmchen in den Grotten NeuSeelands erinnern; was aber mag hier gemeint sein?

Und eine merkliche RaucherStimme brummt aus den Bronchien eines Herrn neben mir auf einer Couch, die hier für die Wartenden bereitGestellt wurde. Eine schöne Idee -: während die Männer hier sitzen, können sich die Gattinnen ihrem Sport hingeben.

Bachelor-Studenten beteiligen sich in Köln an einer Aktion. Sie legen sich vor dem Dom auf den Boden und die Umrisse werden mit Kreide nachgezeichnet, wie in einem KriminalFall.

Der HauptBahnHof ist nur praktisch, aber er passt einfach nicht zum VorPlatz. Eine architektonische Sünde vor dem Dom, ach was -: vor dem Herrn.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tabalumab (LY2127399) - Anti-BAFF Monoclonal Antibody

Has LY2127399 (an anti-BAFF monoclonal antibody) been studied further?
Here is the study by Genovese et al., which had been presented at the 2011 EULAR meeting in London:

Genovese et al.
Conclusions: The LY safety profile in this study was similar to available RA therapies and no unexpected safety signals were seen. The 120mg dose group demonstrated significant reductions in the signs and symptoms of RA, and this was not contingent on complete B cell depletion. These results support further exploration of LY to treat RA

At least I’ve found out the real name behind LY2127399: it’s tabalumab (source: It is a human IgG4 monoclonal antibody against B-cell activating factor (BAFF). Lilly tests this drug in rheumatoid arthritis, multiple myeloma, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and maybe more. A study on relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis by N. Putzki, M. Yildiz & A. Mueller (Multiple Subcutaneous Doses of LY2127399, an Anti-BAFF Human Antibody, in Subjects With Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis) has been stopped. “A Study of LY2127399 in Rheumatoid Arthritis”, a phase 2 study will investigate tabalumab (LY2127399) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, who are not adequately responding to methotrexate. This study is currently recruiting participants. (Last Updated on May 24, 2012 /
Nothing new at the 2012 EULAR meeting in Berlin!
The drug is tested in a broad spectrum of diseases, one study has been stopped. Does it mean, Lilly is desperate to find a use for tabalumab? Let's find out at the next ACR meeting in Washington.

Sammelsurium (108)

Welche Sprache nun?
Ein ca. 10-11jähriger Junge und seine Mutter wechseln laufend zwischen Englisch und Deutsch und das mitten im Satz. Es bleibt mir unklar, warum sie keine preferierte Sprache haben.

„De – nu es eh gestorwe, und ich wollt en noch besöcke.“ Aus einer Anzeige zu einem 6-Wochen-Amt.

Beauftragte und ähnliches
BundesGartenSchutzBeauftragter oder BundesDatenSchutzBeauftragter
BundesGartenSchau oder BundesDatenSchau
World Pray Center oder World Travel Center

Ich sah jemanden, der sprach laut, sehr laut sogar. Ich dachte, der spräche in sein Handy; aber nein, der war wirklich nur verrückt. Andererseits -: sind nicht diese öffentlichen HandyBrüller auch verrückt?

Gelungener SamstagVormittag
Was macht nun einen gelungenen SamstagVormittag aus? Nicht nur, dass ich meine Einkäufe tätige, auf den Markt gehen, mit der BioBäckerin schwatze, Menschen beobachte oder mich zum FrühStück hinsetze. Es ist die gewisse Lockerheit, Zeit verschwenden zu können. Fatma beim Kassieren zuzuschauen. Oder mich in der BilligBäckerei neben Menschen zu setzen, die nicht so viel zum Leben haben, es aber doch auszugestalten wissen.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pateclizumab / Anti-Lymphotoxin-alpha Monoclonal Antibody

Is MLTA3698A, an anti-lymphotoxin-alpha monoclonal antibody, still studied? MLTA3698A has been named pateclizumab. Pateclizumab, the artist formerly known as MLTA3698A.

The link shows the following details. Study title: “Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of MLTA3698A in Combination With a Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drug (DMARD) Compared With Adalimumab in Combination With a DMARD in Patients With Active Rheumatoid Arthritis”
No study results published. Estimated primary end of study September 2012. Last Updated on May 23, 2011. Identifier: NCT01225393.

At the ACR meeting 2010 in Atlanta there had been an abstract with the conclusion by B. Emu and colleagues:
“Blockade of LT pathway is a promising mechanism of action for the treatment of RA. MLTA3698A was generally well tolerated and demonstrated preliminary evidence of clinical activity.”

At you can look at the abstract, which was published at: Arthritis Res Ther. 2012 Jan 8;14(1):R6. B. Emu and colleagues concluded:
“Pateclizumab was generally well-tolerated in RA patients. Preliminary evidence of clinical activity was observed in active RA patients at the dose level targeted for clinical effect.”

And medscape has an article on pateclizumab:

I haven’t seen anything in Berlin at the EULAR 2012, but I had forgotten my EULAR 2012 abstract stick at home yesterday. But I’ve looked for pateclizumab this morning and there hadn’t been any new abstract. To be continued means waiting for the ACR 2012 in Washington.

Sammelsurium (107)

45 und erfolgreich beim ZDF
Du bist 45 und erfolgreich beim ZDF? Dann trägst Du CordHosen, offenes Hemd, Jackett und gehst raus zum Rauchen. Wenn Du zurückKommst ruftst du: „Alex, ach Alex!“

Nach der Lektüre von „wartungsversuch“
Eine dickliche Frau in langem Mantel und weiten Hosen -: und das gerade nachdem ich „wartungsversuch“ von Tom Bresemann gelesen hatte.

ZielVariable des Lebens
Sie trägt die weiße Bluse offen bis zum Busen, NadelStreifen über schlacksigen Beinen, deren Füße in hochHackigen Schuhen stecken. Der weiße Teint der FleischEsserin. Der Geruch von KatzenMagen mit Parfüm überdeckt. Laura Biagiotti? Sie spricht von der ZielVariablen des Lebens. Ich würde doch lieber mehr von der „Brillanz des Lebens“ hören.

Ober es irgendWann einmal auch einen Air Berliner Platz geben wird?

Ruf und Ruhe oder nur Ruf
Die angetrunkene Frau am VorTag zeigte einen Wechsel von schnellem Gehen und Sitzen auf dem Boden, auf Treppen, auch einen Wechsel von lauthals das Leid in die Welt hinausZuRufen und von Stille.
Vor dem ReichsTag sah ich noch einen Mann, der laufend „Buh!“ schrie, aber so laut, dass man es noch hunderte von Metern entfernt hören konnte. Hier blieb aber die Ruhe aus.
Aber beide waren doch sehr ungewöhnlich im Verhalten.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Tocilizumab at EULAR 2012

Concerning Tocilizumab, my most important question to solve at the EULAR 2012 has been: How about subcutaneous tocilizumab? We come to the answer to this question in a moment. There have been other issues, too, like safety or monotherapy. Roche-Chugai is forcing the option of monotherapy. So subcutaneous tocilizumab has to wait for the moment.

A. Ogata and colleagues looked at subcutaneous tocilizumab monotherapy versus intravenous tocilizumab monotherapy in a study called Musashi (after the great samurai / sword fighter). Patients with rheumatoid arthritis, who had responded inadequately, were randomized 162 mg tocilizumab subcutaneously every two weeks intravenous tocilizumab at 8 mg/kg every 4 weeks without any DMARDs. Both efficacy and safety data suggest equality of subcutaneous tocilizumab monotherapy and intravenous tocilizumab monotherapy. When will subcutaneous tocilizumab come to the market? Well informed circles say around March/April 2013, but that’s still a rumour as nobody of Roche-Chugai wanted to comment on the date.

A. Ogata, and MUSASHI Study Group. Department of Allergy and Rheumatic Disease, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Suita, Japan
Conclusions: TCZ-SC was non-inferior to TCZ-IV for ACR20 response rates. Other efficacy variables were also comparable between TCZ-SC and TCZ-IV. Serum trough concentration of TCZ in TCZ-SC was comparable to TCZ-IV. The clinical safety profile of TCZ-SC was consistent with that of TCZ-IV, and TCZ-SC was as well-tolerated as TCZ-IV.

O. Saiki an colleagues looked at the aspect of discontinuing methotrexate and prednisolone. Interestingly, it couldn’t be done with infliximab and etanercept, but tocilizumab sudeeded. In German rheumatology circles we would be careful with ending a maybe needed additional effect.

O. Saiki, H. Uda. Higashiosaka City General Hospital, Higashiosaka, Japan
Conclusions: These results show the possibility of monotherapy by TCZ but not by IFX or ETA even in RA patients with high activities. Indeed it is suggested that IL-6 and TNF-α have similar effects on inflammation of RA but the different roles exist between IL-6 and TNF-α in RA inflammation.

H. Uda and colleagues looked at myalgia in patients receiving biologics. RA patients treated with tocilizumab more often complained about myalgia

H. Uda, O. Saiki. Higashiosaka City General Hospital, Higashiosaka, Japan
Conclusions: The RA patients treated with tocilizumab frequently experienced myalgia but did not with infliximab in case of high disease activity. In the patients who complained myalgia, the levels of IL-6 but not CRP or TNF-α were selectively high in spite of decreasing the disease activities. Before tocilizumab treatment, the patients did not complain myalgia, when both IL-6 and CRP levels were high, suggesting the myalgia supposed due to interaction of IL-6 and tocilizumab and not to TNF-α associated interaction.

Another interesting study comes from S. Momohara and colleagues on complications after orthopaedic surgery in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Post surgery CRP levelsmight not reach as high as expected by the surgeons. They must be instructed to look toostoperative conditions and surgical wounds, as well as subjective symptoms of patients very carefully.

S. Momohara1, J. Hashimoto2, T. Suguro3. 1Institute of Rheumatology, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Tokyo; 2Department of Rheumatology, National Hospital Organization, Osaka Minami Medical Centre, Osaka; 3Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Toho University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
Conclusions: Many patients treated with tocilizumab keep a normal range of CRP even during the perioperative period. For prevention of perioperative complications, observation of postoperative conditions and surgical wounds, and subjective symptoms of patients are considered important.

Related Blogposts:

Sammelsurium (106)

Auf der FriedrichStraße
Sie beschimpft den LaternenMast wie einen Mann und überquert dann die Straße. Auf dem Podest der Ampel setzt sie sich auf die BordSteinKante und schimpft weiter, raucht und trinkt ein Bier aus der Flasche. „Das war schon alles!?“ Einfach nur verrückt, Tourette-Syndrom, alkoholisiert? „Stück Scheiße!“ HauptStadtGefühl. Sie nippt am Bier, zieht an der Zigarette, reibt sich am Arm. Werkwürdige wurmartige Bewegungen des rechten Armes. Fast bin ich mir jetzt sicher -: Tourette-Syndrom. „Ich frag Dich, wann das Schwein tot ist?“ brüllt sie. „Ich erwarte, dass Du jeden Moment dieses Schwein erschlägst!“ ruft sie einerWerbeTafel zu. Beschäftigt mit dem Drehen einer Zigarette. Dann geht sie die FriedrichStraße weiter. „Danach kommt ein Bild, eine schlampige [...].“ Wir kommen zum FriedrichsPalast, der die WinterPause von „Die Schneekönigin“ ankündigt. „Manche Acts sind so heiß, dass sie mit RegenWasser gekühlt werden müssen.“ Sie aber geht merkwürdig ruhig weiter, wie Lava, die an der Oberfläche schwarz erkaltet ist und doch innen heiß und feurig rot weiterfließt.

Über die Brücke
Über die SpreeBrücke -: und die Sichel des Mondes senkt sich in die Stadt hinein.

Sekretärin beim Fernsehen
„Ich bin Sekretärin beim Fernsehen“ scheint ihre Aura zu sagen -: die Hüften zu breit in engen Hosen. Sie trägt modische Stiefel, so dass sie sich in einer Art EntenGang zur GlasTür bewegt, klingelt und verschwindet dann im Aufzug. Flair des ZDF Unter den Linden.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Acronyms of Studies in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, and Ankylosing Spondylitis

This list of acronyms is outdated. Have a look at:

Acronyms of Studies in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, and more plus useful Abbreviations in Rheumatology 2.0

Acronyms are used to give studies a short memorizable name. These studies appear more often in citations ( Nobody can remember all these studies. So I've selected the more important ones. I limited this overview to studies on rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis. The studies had to appear in discussions at different ACR and EULAR Meetings, journals. And I've also added some pseudo-acronyms, acronyms of registries, and some acronyms of associations, which are used in the discussions. If I have omitted a relevant study, please let me know. This is an ongoing project.

ABILITY-1 efficacy and safety of adalimumab in patients with non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis

A-BREAK bridging vacation in patients on s.c. abatacept with i.v. abatacept and back to s.c. abatacept 

ABILITY-2 adalimumab in patients with peripheral spondyloarthritis


ACCOMPANY subcutaneous abatacept in RA with and without methotrexate


ACQUIRE subcutaneous abatacept versus intravenous abatacept

ACTION a randomized placebo-controlled, blinded study of escalating doses of ocrelizumab

ACTION real-world effectiveness of abatacept for rheumatoid arthritis

ACT-LIFE usage and dosification patterns of tocilizumab in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

ACT-RAY actemra (tocilizumab) radiographic study

ACT-SURE actemra (tocilizumab) [unclear what sure stands for]

ADACTA adalimumab actemra (tocilizumab) head-to-head-study

ADAMO study to compare the efficacy and safety of denosumab vs. placebo in males with osteoporosis

ADEPT the adalimumab effectiveness in psoriatic arthritis trial

ADJUST abatacept study to determine the effectiveness in preventing the development of rheumatic arthritis in patients with undifferentiated inflammatory arthritis and to evaluate safety and tolerability

ADMIRE adalimumab in rheumatoid arthrits patients in stable clinical remission

AGREE abatacept study to gauge remission and joint damage in early erosive rheumatoid Arthritis

AIM abatacept in inadequate responders to methotrexate

ALLOW subcutaneous abatacept in RA - impact of withdrawal and reintroduction

AMARA rituximab in combination with leflunomide in rheumatoid arthritis

AMBITION actemra versus methotrexate double blind investigative trial in monotherapy

AMPLE abatacept vs. adalimumab in biologic naive RA patients with background MTX

APPEAL randomized comparison of etanercept with usual therapy in an Asian population 

APPRAISE APPRAISE prospective, multinational study using the composite greyscale/PDUS synovitis score

ARCTIC ultrasound in rheumatoid arthritis patientes under a T2T therapy

ARMADA anti-TNF factor research study program of the monoclonal antibody adalimumab (D2E7) in rheumatoid arthritis

ARRIVE abatacept researched in RA patients with inadequate anti-TNF response to validate effectiveness

ARTIS Swedish biologics register

ASAS/COMOSPA - evaluation of co-morbidities in spondyloarthritis

AS - EARLY etanercept in early non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis

ASPIRE active controlled study of patients receiving infliximab for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis of early onset 

ASSERT ankylosing spondylitis study for the evaluation of recombinant infliximab therapy

ATACC-RA a transatlantic cardiovascular risk calculator for rheumatoid arthritis

ATLAS adalimumab trial evaluating long term efficacy and safety for ankylosing spondylitis

ATTAIN abatacept trial in treatment of anti-TNF inadequate

ATTEST a trial for tolerability, efficacy, and safety in treating rheumatoid arthritis (infliximab)

ATTRA Czech national registry

ATTRACT anti-TNF trial in rheumatoid arthritis with concomitant therapy

ATTUNE switch from intravenous to subcutaneous abatacept

AVERT a very early rehabilitation trial (abatacept) / another source has: a very early rheumatoid arthritis treatment

AWAKEN abatacept withdrawal study to assess efficacy and safety in key endpoints in juvenile idiopathic arthritis not responding to current treatment

BALANCE I ABT-494, a JAK-a-inhibitor in rheumatoid arthritis patients
BARFOT better antitheumatic farmacotherapy (prednisolone)

BeST behandelings strategie

BiKeR German biologics registry for juveniles 

BiOCURA biologicals and outcome compared and predicted Utrecht region in Rheumatoid Arthritis cohort

BIOSPAR Leuven spondyloarthritisbiologics cohort

BioTRAC Canadian register

BREVACTA tocilizumab by subcutaneous  injection in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

BRIGHT adalimumab - correct name?

BRILL British rheumatoid interstitial lung cohort

BSRBR-RA British Society for Rheumatology biologic register for rheumatoid arthritis

C-EARLY certolizumab in early, active rheumatoid arthritis 

CAMEO etanercept compared to etanercept plus methotrexate in moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis

CAMERA 2 computer assisted anagement in early rheumatoid arthritis

CAPEA Course and Prognosis of Early Arthritis

CAPRA circadian administration of prednisone in rheumatoid arthritis (modified release prednisone)

CareRA MTX monotherapy against MTX combination with another synthetic DMARD in DMARD naive RA patients with unfavourable prognosis

CASSANDRA cervical arthritis screening and treatment in RA

CATCH Canadian early arthritis cohort

CERTAIN efficacy and safety of certolizumab pegol after incomplete response to DMARDS in RA patients with low to moderate disease activity

CHERISH tocilizumab in polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis

CIMAX certolizumab in axial spondyloarthritis (noninterventional study)

CIMESTRA ciclosporin, methotrexate, steroid in rheumatoid arthritis

COBRA combinatie therapie bij reumatoide artritis

COMEDRA comorbidities in rheumatoid arthritis

COMET combination of methotrexate ander etabercept in early rheumatoid arthritis

COMORA prevalence of comorbidities in rheumatoid arthritis

COMOSPA - evaluation of co-morbidities in spondyloarthritis

CONCERTO combination therapy with adalimumab in subjects with early rheumatoid arthritis


CORRONA consortium of rheumatology researchers of north america database

DANBIO database for Danish patients on biologics

DANCER dose ranging assessment – international clinical evaluation of rituximab in rheumatoid arthritis

DARWIN drug against rheumatoid arthritis with selective JAK1 inhibition (filgotinib) 

DOSERA effect on disease activity when reducing or discontinuing etanercept in subjects with RA

DREAM Dutch rheumatoid arthritis monitoring

DRESS spacing injection intervals or pause adalimumab or etanercept in RA patients

EAC early arthritis clinic (Leiden)

EARC early arthritis recognistion clinics (Leiden) [not the same as EAC!]

EARTH consistent efficacy and safety outcomes between european and japanese subjects with rheumatoid arthritis following treatment with mavrilimumab

EARTH EXPLORER-1 mavrilimumab in subjects with rheumatoid arthritis and inadequate response to methotrexate 

EASIC ankylosing spondylitis infliximab cohort

EIRA epidemiologic investigation of rheumatoid arthritis (Sweden)

EMBARK clinical and MRI responses to etanercept in non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis

ENRADAS effects of NSAIDs on radiographic damage in ankylosing spondylitis

ERA early rheumatoid arthritis (etanercept)

ESPERA experimental study of periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis

ESPOIR a large national multicenter, longitudinal and prospective cohort initiated by the French Society of Rheumatology

ESTHER effects of etanercept versus sulfasalazine in early axial spondlyoarthritis on active inflammatory lesions as detected by whole-body magnetic resonance imaging

FasT not interventional study concerning certolizumab

FAST4WARD efficacy and safety of certolizumab pegol – 4-weekly dosage in rheumatoid arthritis

FILM safety and efficacy of ocrelizumab in combination with methotrexate

FINRACO Finnish rheumatoid arthritis combination therapy

FIRST rituximab after first TNF-inhibitor

FIXTURE full year investigative examination of secukinumab vs. etanercept Using two dosing regimens to determine efficacy in psoriasis

FORCAST follow up research cohort in ankylosing spondylitis

FREEDOM discontinuation of denosumab and associated fracture incidence 

FUNCTION  efficacy and safety of tocilizumab with or without methotrexate in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis, who are methotrexate naive 

FUTURE 1/2 secukinumab in psoriatic arthritis

GEMS Guildford evaluation of methotrexate

GERINIS rituximab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in routine practice

GESPIC german spondyloarthritis inception cohort

GISEA gruppo italiano studio early arthritis

GO-AFTER golimumab after anti-TNF in rheumatoid arthritis patients

GO-AHEAD golimumab in active nr-axSpA

GO-BEFORE golimumab in active rheumatois arthritis before methotrexate therapy

GO-FORWARD golimumab in active rheumatois arthritis despite methotrexate therapy

GO-FURTHER intravenous golimumab for active rheumatoid arthritis

GO-KIDS golimumab in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and multiple joint involvement and poor response to methotrexate

GO-MONO golimumab monotherapy in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis

GO-MORE subcutaneous golimumab for rheumatoid arthritis, followed by intravenous/subcutaneous golimumab strategy

GO-NICE non interventional study of golimumab in RA patients

GO-RAISE golimumab in active ankylosing spondylitis (did you see the R? actually all GO-plus study names aren´t clean acronyms)

GO-REVEAL golimumab in active psoriatic arthritis


GRAND 1-3 studies on denosumab in osteoporosis

GUEPARD guérir la polyarthrite rheumotoide débutante (adalimumab)

GUESS Glasgow ultrasound enthesitis screening system

HIT HARD high induction therapy with anti-rheumatic drugs (adalimumab and methotrexate)

HONOR humira discontinuation without functional and radiographic damage progression following sustained remission

HOPEFUL Japanese study on adalimumab in combination with low-dose MTX

ICHIBAN non interventional study on safety and efficacy of tocilizumab in RA patients

Illuminate-1 tabalumab vs. placebo in SLE 

Illuminate-2 tabalumab vs. placebo in SLE 

Illuminate-X tabalumab vs. placebo in SLEopen label

IMPACT infliximab multinational psoriatic arthritis controled trial

IMPROVED remission induction therapy with methotrexate and prednisone in patients with early rheumatoid and undifferentiated arthritis

INFAST infliximab for treatment of axial spondyloarthritis

INFAST 2 infliximab for treatment of axial spondyloarthritis, maintenance of biologic free remission

JuMBO juvenile arthritis methotrexate/biologics long-term observation registry as follow-up-registry of BiKeR

LATIN-RA  ??? someone recently cited such a study, which I've never had heard about before

LAUNCH long term safety and efficacy of multiple rituximab cycles in RA

LITHE tocilizumab safety and the prevention of structural joint damage) methotrexate and sulfasalazine combination trial

LOPAS longterm outcome in psoriatic arthritis

MACE major adverse cardiovascular eevnts 

MAPP multinational assessment of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis

MASTER multicenter ankylosing spondylitis survey trial to evaluate and compare referral parameters in early SpA

MEASURE 1/2 secukinumab in ankylosing spondylitis

MIPA methotrexate in psoriatic arthritis

MIRAI early response to tocilizumab (actually it isn't an acronym; mirai is Japanese [未来 / みらい] for future - so let's call it a pseudo-acronym)  

MOSAICS managing osteoarthritis in consultations

MUSICA methotrexate dose in RA patients under adalimumab

NEXUS namilumab phase IIb in rheumatoid arthritis (anti-GM-CSF-MAB)

NOAR Norfolk arthritis register

NOR-DMARD a Norwegian 5-center register

OASIS outcome assessment in ankylosing spondylitis international study (etanercept)

OPAL broaden oral psoriatic arthritis trial (tofacitinib)

OPAL beyond oral psoriatic arthritis trial (tofacitinib) in patients with inadequate response to TNFi

OPERA optimized treatment algorithm for patients with early rheumatoid arthritis

OPPOSITE infliximab in active rheumatoid arthritis after DMARD therapy

OPTIMA optimal protocol for treatment initiation with methotrexate and adalimumab


OPTION tocilimumab pivotal trial in methotrexate inadequate responders

OPTTIRA optimising treatment with tumour necrosis factor inhibitors in rheumatoid arthritis (dose tapering)
ORAL Scan / 24-month study in inadequate responders to MTX receiving tofacitinib and background MTX

ORAL Sequel / Phase 2/3 open label follow-up study evaluating patients who had participated in a prior randomized Phase 2 or Phase 3 study of tofacitinib (monotherapy or in combination with traditional DMARDs)

ORAL Solo / 6-month monotherapy study in inadequate responders to a DMARD (traditional or biologic) receiving tofacitinib monotherapy

ORAL Standard / 12-month study in inadequate responders to MTX receiving tofacitinib and background MTX, with active control of adalimumab and background MTX

ORAL Start / 24-month study in MTX-naïve patients receiving tofacitinib monotherapy or MTX

ORAL Step / 6-month study in inadequate responders to TNF-inhibiting therapy receiving tofacitinib and background MTX

ORAL Sync / 12-month study in inadequate responders to a DMARD (traditional or biologic) receiving tofacitinib and background traditional DMARD(s)

ORBIT orencia as biological infusion treament for RA

ORION orencia remission induction and outcome navigation

OSKIRA oral SYK inhibition in rheumatoid arthritis - fostamatinib

PALACE apremilast in active psoriatic arthritis

PARA pregnancy induced amelioration of rheumatoid arthritis

PASE psoriatic arthritis screening and evaluation

PHOENIX 1 and 2 long-term efficacy of ustekinumab in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis (not arthritis, but are cited for reasons of drug safety)

PEST psoriasis epidemiology screening tool

POEET potential optimalisation of expediency of TNFi study

POET-US part of POEET, if ultrasound may predict flares 

PLANETAS comparison between infliximab an CT-P13 in ankylosing spondylitis

PLANETRA CT-P13 (infliximab biosimilar) with methotrexate in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis

PRAIRI prevention of rheumatoid arthritis by rituximab

PREDICT ? infliximab in patient with psoriatic arthritis?

PREMIER patients receiving methotrexate and infliximab for the treatment of early rheumatoid arthritis

PREMIER LTE patients receiving methotrexate and infliximab for the treatment of early rheumatoid arthritis, long term extension

PRESERVE etanercept in rheumatoid arthritis, dose reduction after one year

PRINTO paediatric rheumatology international trials organisation (?)
PRIZE producticity an remisssion in a randomized controlled trial of etanercept vs. standard care in early rheumatoid arthritis

PRIORA namilumab in patients with mild to moderate rheumatoid arthritis (anti-GM-CSF-MAB)

PRIZE assessing maintenance of remission after withdrawal of etanercept plus methotrexate, methotrexate alone, or placebo in early rheumatoid arthritis patients who achieved remission with etanercept and methotrexate: the PRIZE study

PROMPT probable rheumatoid arthritis – methotrexate versus placebo treatment

PSUMMIT ustekinumab in patients with psoriatic arthritis

RA-BEACON a moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis study (baricitinib)

RA-BEAM baricitinib vs. placebo and vs. adalimumab 

RA-BEGIN baricitinib vs. methotrexate

RA-BUILD a moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis study participants (baricitinib)

RA-Score MRI study in RA patients treated with rituximab

RABBIT German register for patients on biologics

RACAT Research Group ???

RADIATE research on actemra determing efficacy after anti-TNF failure

RAISE - rheumatoid arthritis independent Swiss treatment expectations and outcome (abatacept)

RAMS rheumatoid arthritis methotrexate study

RAPID rheumatoid arthritis prevention of structural damage

RAPID-axSpA certolizumab in axial spondyloarthritis

RAPID-PsA certolizumab in psoriatic arthritis

RATE-RA shortening infusion time in rituximab

REACH Rotterdam early arthritis cohort

REACT research in active rheumatoid arthritis

Re-FIRST rituximab follow-up study to the FIRST study

REALISTIC  RA EvALuation In Subjects receiving TNF Inhibitor Certolizumab pegol

REFLEX randomized evaluation of long-term efficacy of rituximab 

REMARCA Russian investigation of methotrexate and biologics in early active inflammatory arthritis

REMARK ifliximab in active rheumatoid arthritis

RESTART active rheumatoid arthritis with insufficient response to etanercept or adalimumab and methotrexate

RETREAT (F) feasability of methotrexate withdrawal

RETRO a non-interventional study in RA patients to look at dose reduction of conventional and biologic DMARDs

RHAPSODY review of safety and effectiveness with adalimumab in Patients with active ankylosing spondylitis

RISA-III rheumatology integration into student education

RISING dose escalation of infliximab in MTX refractory RA patients

RISING impact on radiographic and clinical response to infliximab therapy

ROAD research on osteoarthritis against disability

ROC rotation or change of biotherapy after first anti-TNF treatment failure for rheumatoid arthritis, a French study

ROSE tocilizumab in rheumatoid arthritis patients with previous inadequate response to DMARDs

RRR a Japanese study on remicade remission in rheumatoid arthritis patients

SAMURAI study of avtive controlled monotherapy used for rheumatois arthritis, an IL-6 inhibbitor

SARIL-RA-ASCERTAIN safety and tolerability of sarilumab and tocilizumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

SARIL-RA-EASY auto-injector device in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

SARIL-RA-MOBILITY sarilumab on top of methotrexate inrheumatoid arthritis patients

SARIL-RA-TARGET efficacy and safety of sarilumab added to non-biologic dmard therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
SATORI study of active controlled tocilizumab for rheumatois arthritis patinets with an inadequate response to methotrexate

SCRIPT study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of ocrelizumab compared to placebo in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis who have had an inadequate response to at least one anti-TNF thearpy

SIRROUND-D sirukumab in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis despite DMARD therapy

SIRROUND-H comparison of sirukumab to adalimumab monotherapy in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis 

SIRROUND-LTE long term extension to evaluate sirukumab in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis 

SIRROUND-T sirukumab in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis despite TNFi therapy 

SMILE safety of methotrexate in combo with leflunomide in rheumatoid arthritis

SPACE spondyloarthritis caught early cohort 

SPAH Sao Paulo aging and health study

SPARSE spondyloarthritis responds to etanercept

SPIRIT-P1 ixekizumab vs. placebo vs. adalimumab in rheumatoid arthritis

STAGE Study to evaluate the safety of ocrelizumab compared to placebo in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis continuing methotrexate treatment

STAR safety trial of adalimumab in rheumatoid arthritis

START safety trial for rheumatoid arthritis with remicade therapy

STEREO safety and efficacy of adalimumab in patients with active psoriatic arthritis - an open-label, multinational study to evaluate the response to every-other-week adalimumab when added to insufficient standard therapy including patients who failed prior treatment with other tnf-inhibitors

STRASS spacing of TNF-blocker injections in rheumatoid arthritis study

STREAM long-term safety and efficacy of tocilizumab

SUMMACTA subcutaneous formulation of tocilizumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis 

SUNRISE retreatment with rituximab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving background methotrexate
SWEFOT Swedish pharmacotherapy

SWITCH-RA rituximab versus an alternative TNF inhibitor in patients with rheumatoid arthritis who failed to respond to a single previous TNF inhibitor

TAMARA tocilizumab and DMARDs achievements in rheumatoid arthritis

TaSER treat to target in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis with the help of ultrasound

TEAR treatment of early aggressive rheumatoid arthritis

TELLUS namilumab vs adalimumab in participants with moderate to severe early arthritis inadequately responding to methotrexate 

TEMPO trial of etanercept an methotrexate with radiographic outcomes

TICOPA comparing tight control of early psoriatic arthritis

TICORA tight control for rheumatoid arthritis

TIRA early interventions in rheumatoid arthritis - Swedish cohort

TOCERRA tocilizumab collaboration of European registries in rheumatoid arthritis

TOMORROW total mangement of risk factors in RA patients to lower morbidity and mortality

TOPAS ustekinumab for the treatment of patients with active ankylosing spondylitis

TOPAS Toronto psoriatic arthritis screening

TORPEDO  study on rapid effect of tocilizumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

TOWARD tocilizumab in combination with traditional DMARD therapy)

TRACE-RA statin therapy may prevent CVD in rheumatoid arthritis

tREACH trial in patients with recent-onset of arthritis

TREAT-JIA trial of early aggressive drug therapy in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (etanercept and MTX)

TRUST a tocilizumab study from Italy

TSORA trichiuris suis ova in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and inadequate response to methotrexate

U-ACT-EARLY tocilizumab and methotrexate in combination or as Monotherapy in treatment-naïve patients eith early rheumatoid arthritis 3P Survey assessment of behaviour of French rheumatologists to the prescription of synthetic and biologic DMARDs

UNCOVER-1 ixekizumab vs. placebo in patients with psoriasis
UNCOVER-2 ixekizumab vs. etanercept and vs. placebo in patients with psoriasis

UNCOVER-3 ixekizumab vs. etanercept and vs. placebo in patients with psoriasis  

VISUAL I+II adalimumab in pats. with  noninfectious anterior Ubveitis


And a list for three letter abbreviations of DMARDs:
ABA - abatacept
ADA - adalimumab
APR - apremilast
AZA - azathioprine
CyA - cyclosporine A 
ETN - etanercept
GLM - golimumab
IFX - infliximab
LEF - leflunomide
MTX - methotrexate
RTX - rituximab
SSZ - sulfaslazine
SEC - secukinumab
TOC - tocilizumab
UST - ustekinumab


If you want to know more about acronyms and studies, here's the link to the book: I've checked some of the studies with this book.


30.11.2012 / 18.12.2012 / 03.01.2013 / 31.01.2013 / 18.02.2013 / 11.03.2013 / 18.04.2013 / 27.04.2013 / 29.04.2013 / 16.05.2013 / 21.05.2013 / 06.06.2013 / 14.06.2013 / 17.06.2013 / 01.07.2013 / 11.07.2013 / 12.08.2013 / 26.08.2013 / 10.09.2013 / 26.01.2014 / 31.01.2014 / 25.02.2014 / 13.06.2014 / 20.06.2014 / 02.07.2014 / 11.07.2014 / 11.08.2014 / 31.10.2014 / 22.12.2014 / 23.12.2014 / 26.01.2015 / 24.02.2015 / 25.02.2015 / 03.03.2015 / 10.07.2015 / 04.08.2015 / 18.08.2015 / 14.09.2015 / 25.09.2015 / 07.11.2015 / 04.01.2016 / 06.08.2016 / 11.08.2016 / 15.08.2016 / 04.11.2016