Blog von Dr. med. Lothar M. Kirsch / 祁建德 // Rheumatic Diseases / Fibromyalgia / Travels / Languages / Poetry
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Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Pateclizumab / Anti-Lymphotoxin-alpha Monoclonal Antibody
Is MLTA3698A, an anti-lymphotoxin-alpha monoclonal antibody, still studied? MLTA3698A has been named pateclizumab. Pateclizumab, the artist formerly known as MLTA3698A.
The link shows the following details. Study title: “Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of MLTA3698A in Combination With a Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drug (DMARD) Compared With Adalimumab in Combination With a DMARD in Patients With Active Rheumatoid Arthritis”
No study results published. Estimated primary end of study September 2012. Last Updated on May 23, 2011. Identifier: NCT01225393.
At the ACR meeting 2010 in Atlanta there had been an abstract with the conclusion by B. Emu and colleagues:
“Blockade of LT pathway is a promising mechanism of action for the treatment of RA. MLTA3698A was generally well tolerated and demonstrated preliminary evidence of clinical activity.”
At you can look at the abstract, which was published at: Arthritis Res Ther. 2012 Jan 8;14(1):R6. B. Emu and colleagues concluded:
“Pateclizumab was generally well-tolerated in RA patients. Preliminary evidence of clinical activity was observed in active RA patients at the dose level targeted for clinical effect.”
And medscape has an article on pateclizumab:
I haven’t seen anything in Berlin at the EULAR 2012, but I had forgotten my EULAR 2012 abstract stick at home yesterday. But I’ve looked for pateclizumab this morning and there hadn’t been any new abstract. To be continued means waiting for the ACR 2012 in Washington.
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