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Friday, November 30, 2012

Carpe Diem Haiku “First snow”

Must sleep now
With snow as cover
The cricket thinks

Out in the open
The wanderer leaves
First steps in first snow

In the mountains
Fog and snow
Few withered grass stalks

The stars above
No wind touches them, crystals
Turning into snow

Trembling brown leaves
First snow on the ground
Teacup steams

Snow covering trees
Muffled sounds
Still a lonely bird  


Snow on trees
Meadow under cover
Lonely black footsteps

Winter’s coming
Awful stretch of time
Until next spring


  1. What a lovely variety ... my favorite is thinking of the "poor" cricket!! Thank you for sharing!
    First Snow

  2. Awesome set with such a variety in the images. Thank you Lothar for sharing.

  3. I enjoyed all of these...tried to pick a "favorite" but there is something that speaks to me in each. Wonderful writing.
    Thank you.

  4. Thanks - will see, what I can do concernin Indian summer as I have the corresponding pictures.
