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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Carpe Diem Haiku “Withering Wind”

Silvery hull
In a sea of ragged clouds
Withering wind

Winter wandering in
Wisteria yellowing, waiting for
Withering wind

Bleak country
Only the withering wind
Not even a dog barks


  1. Lovely set of haiku and photos ~ love the last one ....'not even a dog barks.' ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  2. Awesome set of haiku Lothar. Love your wonderful photo's. Have you linked it to Carpe Diem?

  3. Very nice set Lothar. And the pictures chill me to the bone.

  4. Thanks! The pictures are from Munich and the Swiss Alps. And I when I looked to decide, which haiku I like best, I found a mistake. So sorry! I'll correct it right away.
