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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Carpe Diem Haiku Whale

Whale song
And a book to dream away
Thar, thar she blows

Blue whale
Ploughing through the seas
True blue

No ships or hunters
Not a single wicked human
Where the whale dives

The killing of dolphins, which are small whales, is a sad story, but here's a link to one of my blog posts with further links:


  1. Too bad they can't dive fast and far enough to get away from the wickedness humans do to them!

  2. I hope this imagery of free whales and dolphins and other great big sea mammals will once be true ... no more whale hunting, no more dolphin hunting.
    Your series of haiku is very strong and clear in it's imagery ... I love the way how you have used the prompt in this post. Thank you Lothar for sharing these little gems with us here on Carpe Diem.
