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Friday, March 29, 2013

North Korea and an open account

Kim Jong Un will "settle account with the United States" I’ve read in the Rheinische Post, a German newspaper. Link: or look at USA today:  

It may be the case that Kim Jong Un just tries to put North Korea better in scene. Even his father didn’t see need to appear so belligerent.

The place looked harmless as I had visited it

I’ve just tried to access the page of Rodong Sinmun, but could only get the message that the page cannot be opened. Is some kind of censorship working? If it is on the North Korean side, then they don’t even trust their own propaganda. If South Korea or the US blocked the page, North Korea has already lost the battle on the internet.

Although right now experts appease, one shouldn’t underestimate the risks, which may arise from bunker mentality. Out of North Korea could develop a scenario, that Stanley Kubrick warned against in his satirical movie "Dr. Strangelove or how I learned to love the bomb" (1964).

There's quite a lot on North Korea after a visit in fall 2011 on this blog. Please use the search function.

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