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Monday, June 24, 2013

Protein kinase inhibitors - hype or hope?

As we've seen quite a lot of compounts being studied during the past two years, I think it's to look how much hype or hope there is. Where do we stand after the EULAR 2013 Meeting?

This list is incomplete, I know, but it shows that our hopes are mixed with lots of hype. And this list is my personal interpretation; someone might disagree and should do so in the commentary part. Red stands for problems ot that I don't think it will develop into a drug on the market. Yellow stands for might develop into a drug, still to early. One could argue, if VX-509, ARRY-797, ASP015K, and Ruxolitinib still belong to this group. And only one in the green group.

I think that too many pharmaceutical companies tried to run for a small molecule, which is easier to produce, but might be sold at a high price.

I hope that we'll get these drug in the future, though well tested, safe, and not at the top pricing drug companies expect.

Xeljanz right now stands alone on the U.S. market. The European market will have to wait. Even if there is much hype, I hope for Xeljanz at least to make it to the European market.

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