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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Certolizumab in psoriatic arthritis effects of different imputation approaches - RAPID-PsA

What do they want to tell us?
D. van der Heijde and colleagues just published a paper on certolizumab in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis [results of the RAPID-PsA]: “Effect of different imputation approaches on the evaluation of radiographic progression in patients with psoriatic arthritis: results of the RAPID-PsA 24-week phase III double-blind randomised placebo-controlled study of certolizumab pegol”. In results we are told about an “overestimated radiographic progression (least squares mean placebo, 28.9; CZP, 18.3; p≥0.05).” Too bad that the abstract doesn’t tell any numbers about the results of the post hoc new imputation. We just get: “mTSS non-progression rate was higher in CZP than placebo groups in all analyses.” The authors concluded: “Inappropriate prespecified imputation methodology resulted in an unrealistic assessment of progression in all arms. Methodologies for imputing missing radiographic data can greatly affect assessment and reporting of mTSS progression.” Link:
What do they really want to tell us? Maybe that they found a method in which certolizumab looks better on reducing radiographic progression?
Maybe I’m overreacting as I use certolizumab, but such abstracts just make me feel uneasy. Maybe someone can ease my scepticism.

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