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Friday, September 20, 2013

Carpe Diem Special Haiku Southard's "This morning's rainbow"

Moon’s ghastly yellow
Sinking slowly to the West
Birds leave their perches

The spiders compete
Not for the warming sun rays
But the buzzing flies

There’s no golden pot
At the end of the rainbow
But the rain has gone

The scent of summer
Oozing from violet buds
Scarecrow feels no fall

Embers to ashes
No need for fire in sunshine
Cattle leave the barn

Heavier dewdrops
Swaying lantern high above
Hare returns to hole

Between skyscrapers
Pale moon and dark Spiderman
Damsel in distress

Across the river
Mist rising from the meadows
Exploding orange

Water over edge
Breaking into a thunder
Some seagulls fly by


  1. I love the specificity of the images here.

  2. I like the Spiderman, damsel in distress. A couple of them feel a bit apocalyptic. All of them are intensely felt. Nice work.

  3. A spectacular offering Dr Lothar! My, you truly engage nature's best in good observations of what's happening and what's moving! Brilliant take!


  4. my faves: 3, 5, and 7....the rest were also quite good,,,

  5. A lot of amazing pictures you paint here... you use your words like a brush of many colors.
