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Sunday, October 27, 2013

ACR Meeting 2013 in San Diego the social part

Finally I arrived at San Diego Airport. Modern flight connection are always fun to look, if you end up at the intended point. you might remember my and other participants of this year's EULAR meeting to attend the tweetup, so why should going to San Diego have less problems? I've selected a direct flight from London Heathrow and a good connection from Duesseldorf. The plane was late, I missed the flight ... and went to the connecting flight center with a wonderful staff, who got me on a plane to Washington D.C., where I've spent the night a good hotel (advertising laws prohibit telling you the name). Next day I was on the early plane to San Diego (started the day at 36 deg. F and got off the plane at 64 F) and could see interesting landscape in the South West of the US. As I haven't been on a day plane across this part of the US, I enjoyed the flight very much and so the Yin Yang principle was showing off - there's always something white in black and vice versa.

Snowy peaks


Downtown San Diego

I might change some of the images late or work on them. All in all you see a work in progress.

After arriving a day late at me hotel, I had the opportunity to see a little bit of San Diego and Coronado, which is a must. Especially as I know a very good book store near the famous Hotel de Coronado (the one shown in "Some like it hot" by Billy Wilder, starring Marilyn Monroe and Jack Lemmon). I went to the hotel as I'm also a friend of the Italian opera.

Coronado Ferry and the Congress Center in the back

More picture on the other camera, from which I might select other pictures later.

Now it's on with the meeting - and ... I'm looking forward to this evenings's tweetup.

I've already met with the people around the Rheumatoid Patient Organization, more to meet this evening.

You might recognize Britt @HurtBlogger and Shannon @SocialMediaShan

Yesterday evening we had our tweetup. Thanks to Paul Sufka at a real nice place in the Gaslamp Quarter. Lots of interesting talks with rheumatologists and patients around the world. I'd miss something, if this tweetup wouldn't be here.

That's where the action was ... later with Reggae Music

Here's a who's who of the participants at the San Diego 2013 ACR Sunday evening tweetup (alphabetical order of Twitter names):
@BetsyRapp               Betsy Rapp
@carvicab                  Carlo V. Cballero
@claireriddell77         Claire Riddell
@drbeckyg                 Rebecca Grainger
@drbhana                   Suleman Bhana
@dsymons                  Dana Symons
@kitteybeth               Katie Beth Young
@Larhumato               Francis Berenbaum
@philipcrobinson        Philip C. Robinson
@psufka                     Paul Sufka
@rawarrior                 Kelly Young
@Rheumatologe          Lothar M. Kirsch 
@RonanTKavanagh      Ronan T. Kavanagh
@samwhittle               Sam Whittle
@SocialMediaShan       Shannon Ragland
@stefansiebert            Stefan Siebert
@synovialjoints           Antoni Chan
And there were also, Anne, Becky, Isabelle.
(Any mistake or omission is my mistake - please notify me and I'll make the necessary corrections)

Too bad, some picture aren't clearly seen, but we'll work on it in the future.

I liked the talks, the internationality (U.S.A., Colombia, Ireland, Northern Ireland, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa - did I miss a country?) - hope that today more will join. And I liked that physician and patients come together.

Today I had a busy morning and looked at lots of posters.
Midday we had our noon tweetup with quite a lot of people attending, 2/3 hadn't been at yesterday's tweetup, so I'd like to call our two meeting successful. Thanks for organizing and also for participating.

Won't like having missed the 2nd tweetup!

Today I went to some interesting session, looked at a multitude of posters, even more interesting than the days before. And I took time to relax in San Diego's sunshine.

Directly from the Congress Center

Relaxing after a session at the Hilton

Interior of the San Diego Convention Center

A look to the city of San Diego from the CC

The Hotel del Coronado

The wish I was there picture

1 comment:

  1. Good thing you're a seasoned traveller and also philosophical. One year I will get to attend a tweetup. Enjoy the conference and good friends
