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Monday, January 6, 2014

New Zealand Haiku First Series

Almost black tall pines
Against the blue morning sky
The surf and birds' cries
                        Flea Bay, Bank's Peninsula

The blue sky darkens
And the waves look oilier
Penguins hop on stones
                        Flea Bay, Bank's Peninsula

The grass is still wet
And sun dances in shadows
The swallows are hunting
                        Flea Bay, Bank's Peninsula

Wind in the birch tree
Lake Tekapo in turquoise 
Sparrow picking crumbs
                        Lake Tekapo

Lake Manapouri
Waves of clear water breaking
Sandflies feast on me

The Canada geese
Flying into the beech wood
Primordial cry
                        Kepler Track

Frost left the meadows
Green grass and some yellow furze
Skylark flies again

Deep in the forest
Tall trees and a high blue sky
Tui's voice, flutelike

Other texts on this New Zealand travel:
My New Zealand itinerary with anotations and pictures: