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Monday, January 13, 2014

SAN-300 at the 2013 ACR Meeting in San Diego

SAN-300 is an anti Very late antigen-1 (VLA-1) MAB. It already has been used in ophthalmology to promote survival of corneal allografts. Or in 2002 it reduced glomerular and tubulointerstitial scarring in a rat model of (crescentic) glomerulonephritis. And now it’s being tested in healthy subjects and patients with active RA, as VLA-1 facilitates migration, proliferation, and retention of lymphocytes and monocytes/macrophages.

Ch. Inderjeeth and colleagues presented the following study [1439]: “Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacodynamics Of SAN-300, a Novel Monoclonal Antibody Against Very Late Antigen-1: Results Of a Phase 1 Study In Healthy Volunteers and Patients With Active Rheumatoid Arthritis.” In “Results” we read: “[…] The single patient with active RA who received SAN-300 2.0 mg/kg IV met ACR50 at Days 15 and 29 and achieved a good response per EULAR criteria based on DAS28-CRP at Day 15 (_1.66; absolute score 2.31), and a moderate response at Day 29 (_0.92; 3.05). The placebo patient did not meet criteria for ACR20 or DAS28-CRP response at any time point. Conclusion: “In this first-in-human study, SAN-300, an antibody against novel therapeutic target VLA-1, showed nonlinear pharmacokinetics. […] Given favorable tolerability, encouraging RO [receptor occupancy], and ease of administration, the SC route of administration warrants investigation in future multiple-dose studies in patients with active RA.”

When I read the background I thought that the producer of SAN-300 looks for a new field to yield fruit. But the results of this phase 1 study warrant further investigation. Who know, if we’re not going to get another useful drug to fight RA.

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