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Monday, October 13, 2014

Seyit Jamal Addin in Anau

Seyit Jamal Addin is the remains of a monument build in the 15th century. What you can see in the pirtures are the remains of the citadel mosque at Anau, about 15 km outside of Ashgabat. Local people go there as a pilgrimage to Seyit Jamal Addin. That's the reason why nearly all women wear a head scarf, which is in this percentage unusual for Turkmenistan. There's a small mosque in front of the remains and there are underground ruins, which you can visit, but you should keep quiet as people are praying there, which is quite interesting as the prayers or short parts of the quran are usually sung.

Outside there's a huge area to fortify the pilgrims with food and drink. 

The small mosque in front of  the remains of Seyit Jamal Addin (which is currently under reconstruction)

At the pilgrimage

Rest and picnic

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