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Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Eagle Hunter

In Kyrgyzstan I had the opportunity to visit an eagle hunter. No, he doesn't hunt eagles, though he sometimes catches a young eagle or has to get an egg. And he doesn't sell eagles. He hunts with eagles.

Normally I listen to The Eagles' Hotel California, but this time I've got very close to a stone eagle. In the pictures you can see the magnificent bird, which weighs about 5 kg. He has to take her out every day to hunt. She even attacked a lynx, which is to big a predator to hunt for an eagle, but the eagle hunter, Astan is his name, helped her with this large prey. He is of course interested in hides, which he sells.

After a display of his two eagles, we were having freshly baked bread with варенье (homemade jam out of apricots or black currants) and tea in the beautiful garden. The trees were heavy with red cheeked apples. A wonderful sight in a country, which soon will be covered in snow.

We didn't eat the wasps, of cours!

Astan with his mother and children 

Later in Kazakhstan I was able to watch steppe eagles, but wasn't able to take a photograph of them.

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