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Sunday, November 2, 2014

Transportation in Central Asia

Central Asia has all the modern forms of transport and I'll also show some of these, but even more interesting are the more traditional form that have survived there. In the West we'll might have to use these again in a few decades.

Trucks and Tractors
You can see all kind of trucks, ultra modern and some that had already seen better days.
And the kind of tractor, you need a traktorist for.

That's a truck in the Kyzyl Kum - good Tyres!

A tractor in Kyrgyzstan

This one is used at a cotton plantation in Uzbekistan

On several occasions I could see trains. I shouldn’t have taken pictures, but here are some.

Driving through the desert

Guarded railroad crossing en route to Tashkent

Trains in Kazakhstan

The metros of Tashkent and Almaty resemble the metros in Kiew, Pyongyang and of course Moscow. In Tashkent it's forbidden to take pictures in the underground. In Almaty one cannot take pictures of the ticket (better token) booth, but the young women in there looked like in the song "Lovely Rita" by the The Beatles. I thought it strange that they have to wear uniform to sell tokens.

Deep down below the surface, though not as deep as in a coal mine

To give you an idea on the token sellers

Nice, clean, not much traffic

Interior view

Metro entrance near the university in Tashkent

Almaty also has a tram service.

Bishkek and Almaty have trolleys.

Donkey carts and horse carts

Donkey carts and horse carts are heavily in use in rural areas.

Even in bigger cities!

Odds and ends
There are some means of transportation, that shouldn't be omitted.

Stretch limos are in use!

A tricart

Porters with carts at the bazaar

It doesn't seem to be very heavy

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