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Friday, June 5, 2015

Fibromyalgia and Physical Fitness

There's another study concentrating on physical fitness in fibromyalgia patients. It's called the al-Ándalus project.

A. Soriano-Maldonado and colleagues published a population-based cross-sectional study. The study has been well powered (N=468) to reach a meaningful statistical analysis and hence conclusions. Tests included algometry, FIQ, parts of the SF-36, tools for pain-related catastrophizing and chronic pain self-efficacy, the Senior Fitness Test battery, computed scores for aerobic fitness, muscle strength, flexibility and motor agility etc. Results showed: "higher physical fitness was consistently associated with lower levels of pain, lower pain-related catastrophizing, and higher chronic pain self-efficacy".
Conclusions: "Our results suggest that higher physical fitness is associated with lower levels of pain, lower pain-related catastrophizing, and higher chronic pain self-efficacy in women with FM. These results might have implications for future intervention studies in this population."

Another study that shows people with fibromyalgia feel better if they posses a high level of physical fitness. What the study doesn't suggest is addressing physical fitness and goodbye fibromyalgia. It shows that we have to screen better for physical fitness in fibromyalgia patients. Maybe less physical fitness doesn't only mean more catastrophizing and less self-efficacy but also more depressive symptoms.
And there is hope as other studies show that physical therapy and behavioral therapy can be combined to treat more effectively fibromyalgia.


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