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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Tweetup at EULAR Annual Meeting 2015 in Rome

Also this year we had a tweetup at the EULAR Annual Meeting on Thursday 12:00 hr. The EULAR Press Office had given us a room (Hall 6 – Puccini Room) to meet. I’d like to thank Mrs Emma Reynolds from the Eular Press Office, who made this possible. This time we’ve been only a small number, but we had an hour of interesting discussion and took some lunch at the same time.

Here’s a picture or the people at the Tweetup:

C Gytz Ammitzbøll @cgytz
Lily Rheum ‏@L_tweet
Dr Irwin Lim @_connectedcare
Dr Ai Lyn Tan ‏@DrAiLynTan 
Lothar M. Kirsch 祁建德 @Rheumatologe

We talked about copyright. It seems to be hindering discussions. Lots of poster presenters used the green symbol to allow pictures, which has been a step into the right direction. 
But during the sessions taking pictures was prohibited and enforced. The EULAR Press Office commented on this: "... enforcing the ‘no picture taking or recording’ rule is to protect the copyright of the data being presented at the congress because the copyright does not belong to EULAR but to the author. EULAR doesn’t have the authority to allow the recording of content and our only objective in upholding the rule is to protect the copyright of the data being presented at the congress." It is understandable that a no exception rule is easier to maintain, especially at a conference of such a proportion.
I’ll comment in another blog post on this later as there might be other forms of protecting the author's rights and encourage discussion of what he/she presented. 

EULAR and social media
The EULAR Press Office is twittering and was and is very active before, during an after the meeting.
But EULAR somehow hasn’t noticed that social is a challenge and could be used to promote the goal Prof. Cutulo had outlined in the visions of EULAR in his opening speech.
The ACR is much more into social media.
We’ve seen that on pharmaceutical firm had a board showing twitterers (all known to us personally or at least from the exchange on twitter). But let’s not leave twitter and social media in the hands of the pharmaceutical industry.
I’ll also take this up again later in a blog post.

How long it takes to become a rheumatologist
We compared the differences around the world on how to become a rheumatologist.

Over hours
I guess it doesn’t surprise anyone, that worldwide medicine and care in rheumatology depends on over hours.

To sum it up
Thanks everyone for participating. I hope to see you gain. Maybe we should meet at the next EULAR with a (short) agenda on what we want to accomplish on twitter as rheumatologists.

List ot twitterers around the EULAR tweetups

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