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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Three Folds - Collected Poems in Translation

Three Folds

Three chairs
The one empty
The other tipped off
The third one ajar

Three coffee cups
The one empty
The other tipped
The third still steams

Three folds
The one spirit
The other son
The third god
                               Dreifaltigkeit – Trinity
                               Drei Faltigkeit – three folds / crinkliness


I was looking for you in mirrors
But only saw me

I was looking for you in dreams
But only saw me

Where are you after death?
Do not find you anymore

So there is only me
In mirrors and dreams

Out of Paradise

Adam looked back and Eve
Expelled from paradise
Without backpack, without belongings

It decayed day by day
Was bare, inhospitable, desolate
Then I took Lilith and left

Through the night

The moon travels without hand luggage
The walls shake at the customhouse

A horse trots out of mist
In the forest soaked with shadow

The gate suddenly shrieks in the wind
The field is wrapped in silence

The morning snores away the day
And dreaming he was awake


At the end of time
A wind will blow
Raise the red dust

Dust attached to dust
Until light and heat disappeared

But when will God breathe
Again into the dust?

Cooled down

The evening colors the gray of the streets
Swallows the perfume of women
Office floors emptying
Like flowers
Which close at nightfall
Now moon and frost may
Reclaim silver from the asphalt

If Gaia knows
                             Two planets meet. One is sick and laments:  
                             "Hey, I’ve got homo sapiens." "That passes by itself."

If Gaia knows
What she does
Then it is right
Stretching and straining
Here a little scraping
There some trembling
To shake mankind
Off the fur

Links to some original German versions:


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