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Saturday, July 4, 2020

A Retreat on Khardong-Pass

Khardong-Pass or in Tibetan Khardong-la is the second highest pass road in the world with about 5340 m altitude. The pass is overlooking Leh, the principal town of Ladakh. The pass is of strategic importance and so usually the pass road is open.

The pass joins the Nubra valley with Leh and especially Hundar sees a lot of tourists, mostly Indian tourists.

If you climb at the pass a little you will reach a retreat of a monk. Passes in the Buddhist region always are decorated with prayer flags. On this pass the retreat is nearly invisible because of the flags. Inside there are the drum for ceremonies, deity and patriarch statues, ceremonial shawls, butter lamps (actually in Ladakh the people use oil), offerings, and pictures of the Dalai Lama. The monk however hasn't been there.

Two days later on the way back to Leh
weather conditions had changed

Cars were blocking the road 

The military post at South Pullu stopped traffic to the pass 
and lots of bikers had to wait

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