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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Signposts along the Roads of Ladakh

I've been looking at the signpost along the roads of Ladakh. Some show concern, others warn, some are funny, but all in all they make the driver go slower and be alert. Here are few that I remember.

"Don't be silly in the hilly"
"Don't be gama in the land of lama" [gama probably means foolish]
„Be Mr. Late than late Mr.“
„More you speed more you skid“
„Drive slow you are expected“
„Slow and steady wins the race“
„Safety first speed afterwards“
„Shooting stone stop, look, go“
„Good drivers are seldom hurt“
„Live and let live drive carefully“
„Accident[s] do no happen they are caused“
„Road is public property save it“
„Drink and drive you don't survive“
„Live for your today Drive for your tomorrow“
„Drive with care accident rare“
„Three enemies of the road Liquor, speed & overload“
„Down slope check your brakes“
„Smooth roads for smooth ride“
„This planet needs you to give a darn“
„Please drive carefully“
„Don't waste things that can be reused“
„Save drive stay alive“
„You can't control where you come from but you can always control where you are going“
„East or West safe driving is the best“
„Stay alert think safety“
„Life is short and the world is wide“
„No bridge has ever taken sides“
„The road to success is always under construction“
„Life is like photographs it needs the negatives to develop“
„Being in high spirits doesn't mean to be high by consuming spirits“
„The future depends on what you do today“
„Pain is weakness leaving the body“
„Always alert avoid accident“
„Every day is earth day“


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