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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Small Museum on the Valdés Peninsula


When you cross the Carlos Ameghino Isthmus from the mainland you reach the Valdés Peninsula. There's a center cum museum just a few kilometers away from the entrance of the national parc (Centro de Visitantes).

The exhibition inside has lots of information and must be a nightmare for pupils because of the mass of data. There are geological and palaeontological showcases, taxidermy mounts of animals, and a complete whale skeleton.

Outside the is an educational trail with plants and animals. On this educational trail there were boys who had been abducted there by their teachers. Suddenly they shouted: "Una rata! Una rata!" And ran rumbling over the wooden planks - of course, the rata had vanished immediately. Well, it wasn't a rat either, but you couldn't see it anymore.

All in all I liked stopping at the the place before venturing into other parts of the peninsula.

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