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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Autumn Continues – Haiku

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I —
I took the one less traveled by
The Road not Taken
Robert Frost

At the graveyard
Dead leaves and a drizzle
But six feet under

Storm hitting
On trees and bushes
Autumn creeps away

New blossoms
Withering yellow leaves
What a strange fall!

White sailing yacht
Cutting through the sea
But leaves a scar

I might look
Like a vogon to the fly
Hitchhiking with me

Foliage of fall
Colours not to last
Flat tire hearse, though

Art Blakey drumming
The room is filled with sweet sweat
The art of haiku

Autumn thunder storm
Rain drumming less and less
Crickets sing again

Autumn is lurking
Wind prowling around the oaks
Then shutting the door

If only you could
The world would be much better
But no change so far

Parched river bed
Women walk to the well
Soothing bird songs

Wind blows through
The empty spider’s net
Crickets still sing

In between
The first and the third line
The universe

Autumn morning
And the long distance runner
Flashing headlamp

Clouds again
After the draconids
Headlights then


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