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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Well into Winter – Haiku

When I arrived at Wu last evening, cold rain hit the river,
In the morning I see you off to cross the lonely mountain of Chu.
When you meet my family and friends in Luoyang and they ask,
Tell them my heart is still pure as ice in a jade pot.
Parting with Xin Jian at Hibiscus Inn
Wang Changling*

Gentle north wind
Snowflakes dancing
Steam from the tea 
Frosty night
Like the stars
Mainichi Japan, selected by Dhugal J. Lindsay
Moon bleaches
The fresh fallen snow
On the roof 
Winter rather
Trying rain and drizzle
But tea and ingle
Freight train
Snow piling up
Hobo’s waiting, too
Still dark
Some snow and rain
Dad’s Christmas boots
Waning moon
Through bubbled glass
But honking geese 
Manic Monday
Just two weeks away
Zoo closed, too

* Wang Changling (王昌齡) was another important poet of the Tang dynasty and lived from 698 (?) to 756. There might be questions about his birth date, but the death is certified as he has been executed in connection with the An Lushan Rebellion. Wu is the name of a region and the language family south of the Yangzi (長江 / Changjiang) or simply Jiang as in the poem. Luoyang lies about 900 km to the northwest of the Wu region.


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