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Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Early Winter and a New Year – Haiku


White snow on the western mountains and three border towns,
An endless bridge crosses the clear river to the south.
Viewing the wilderness from a distance
Du Fu

christmas cookies
all gone
as the snow

still corona  
steps in snow
from the ones below

how quickly
mice learn
where to look for cookies

New year's eve
Auld Lang Syne
the virus and the dead

in the winter sun
still on vacation

New year
fresh molehills
forecasted snow

Reiden Lake
the ice at the jetty
not broken, yet

without snow
the guide rods
stand naked

Du Fu (712-770) is one of the greatest poets of the Tang Dynasty [along with Li Bo (李白)]. Du Fu wrote this poem in 761 AD in a thatched hut near the Huanhua River on the outskirts of Chengdu. 1250 years later, this area is a park in the city of Chengdu - with a museum and a thatched hut commemorating Du Fu. I concede that „Viewing the wilderness from a distance“ is stretching the title of two characters (杜甫) to the utmost, one could also translate „Viewing the wilderness“.


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