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Thursday, July 27, 2023

Kick-off Event for the Campaign “One Road – One Culture” (“Нэг зам - нэг соёл”)


In Uliastai (Улиастай) we visited the bazaar and a supermarket, then we continued on a tarred road. Surprisingly, we were taken aside by the traffic police and were sent in one direction. You can still see our group on the internet [1]. We got caught up in the opening event of a nationwide campaign. The campaign “One Road – One Culture” (“Нэг зам - нэг соёл”). It promotes more respect on the road to prevent loss of life and property by traffic accidents, as there are still too many violations of speed limits, wrong or no use of lighting devices and drunk driving. The provincial government is  worried about traffic risk and an increased tourism - although we just came from an area that is rarely frequented by tourists. Traffic had recently increased sharply around the provincial center and with it the number of traffic accidents, especially those with fatalities. Seat belts are compulsory and speed limits and speed controls are set up. We had noticed that dirt roads – trucks also have to drive over the slopes – are being replaced by tarred roads.  Sometimes you can see 10 tracks next to each other, since every time it rains, a new one is needed to avoid getting stuck. Sometimes ditches are dug next to the slopes, otherwise the nomads' pastures would be damaged.

Some recruits from the road for the event -
just like ourselves.

Emergency team

Past the slopes a ditch and a huge herd of sheep and goats

Meandering slopes [2]

The outdoor event also included a speech, a performance on the traditional horsehead fiddle or morin khuur (морин хуур) and singing. Then we posed for another photo. You're welcome!

On the road again [3]

Links and Annotations:
[1] I'm on the far right of the 3rd photo with the caption: Жолооч нарыг замын хөдөлгөөнд оролцохдоо замын ...
[2] I've learned on this trip meander comes from from the classical Greek name of the river Maiandros.
[3] On the Road again - by Canned Heat


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