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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

The Boss of Achit Nuur


After visiting the bazaar and a mosque of Ölgii, we came to Achit Lake in the evening – better  called Achit Nuur (Ачит нуур). The lake lies at an altitude of 1435 m and is about 28 km long [1]. Along the lake are desert and steppe landscapes in varying degrees, depending on the amount of precipitation. The road (track) east of the lake leads along a swampy landscape, so we camped a little away from the lake.

After the relatively late dinner, a Furgon with a truck bed arrived and I said jokingly, "That must be the Ranger." The Furgon stopped and the doors opened one by one. Two men staggered out. One said he was the boss of everything here. The second wore a deel and that was the driver. Shortly thereafter, an approximately 15-year-old drove up on a motorcycle with a woman in a colorful dress. She got off the motorcycle, took a stick and hit the man without a deel. She hit him hard. He stood up willingly and was then taken away by the boy on the motorcycle. But the boss lady  followed them briskly. She had everything under control. The man in the deel said he was the ranger, which he probably was. He lolled a little more on the sand. But since he wasn't offered any alcoholic beverage, he climbed into his Furgon and drove away. He couldn't do much damage out there. Anyway, the next morning we only saw some fog and the lake.

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