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Friday, April 24, 2020

Internal use of disinfectants

As president Trump seems to advocate the internal use of disinfectants to fight Covid-19, I like to republish two blogposts I've written on MMS. MMS is sodium chlorite (NaClO2), not to confuse with sodium chlorid (NaCl). Please do not follow the false advice to use disinfectants like sodium chlorite / chlorine dioxide internally as it can lethal („A dose of 10-15 grams of sodium chlorate can be lethal.“).

Thursday, April 10, 2014Is MMS a miracle cure?
Did you also get an email like this?
"There is now a solution for AIDS, hepatitis A, B and C, malaria, herpes, tuberculosis, most forms of cancer and many other serious diseases." Jim Humble
"In Africa, more than 75,000 people took part in various practical tests ..." - are these ethically unsustainable human experiments?
“Independently of this, the Malawi government also conducted its own test series with MMS. The cure rate was 99 percent. ”- Here you can already see that this miracle cure has proven nothing, because these test series were invented.
"As an inventor, I believe that this information is too important for a single person or group to have sole control over the drug." Jim Humble - it's about sodium chlorite. It is a disinfectant - and Mr. Humble did not invent it.
Sodium chlorite has the empirical formula NaClO
2. It can easily be mistaken for table salt (sodium chloride, molecular formula NaCl. Sodium chlorite is used to produce chlorine dioxide, and this is used to disinfect water.
According to Wikipedia, MMS is classified as quackery. The Brisbane Supreme Court banned the use of MMS as an unauthorized remedy (2009). The Canadian and US health authorities (FDA) also warned against the use of MMS. Link:

So if you have also received the email from MMS, remember that it is not a miracle cure, but quackery. Forget the promises of salvation immediately, delete the email and never take the stuff.

Here is the warning from the American drug agency FDA (Food & Drug Administration):
The FDA recommends that consumers who own MMS should stop using it and dispose of it immediately. The FDA advises that consumers who have noticed the side effects of MMS should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

And here is another warning that appeared in the NDR two days ago: Interview partners were at NDR: PD Dr. med. Andreas Schaper, Deputy Head and Dr. rer. medic. Guido Kaiser / Poison Information Center North (GIZ-Nord). And another link to the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment: "The BfR strongly advises against that
Consumption and use of the product "Miracle Mineral Supplement" ("MMS"). "

And here is another warning from the FDA about MMS in the context of warning about quackery for autism:

May 30, 2014:
Comprehensive article at Spiegel-Online:

RBB-online also warns of MMS: The article by Caroline Walter and Christoph Rosenthal ends with: "It is no wonder that this scene cannot be mastered. In every state, other authorities are responsible for the control of such dangerous miracle cures. And even if we open up the authorities, such as in Berlin draw attention to the problem, do nothing. Maybe wake up now! " I've had the experience that nothing happens, even if you point it out. But I hope that this changes. We probably only have to get the authorities on the mind enough to change something. As in Luke 18: 3-5: "But there was a widow in that city; and she came to him and said," Make me right against my adversary! And for a while he did not want to, but afterwards he spoke to himself : Even if I am not afraid of God and do not shy away from anybody, I want to get her right, because this widow struggles me, so that she does not come in the end and drive into my face. " (Revised Elberfeld Bible)

The ARD program "Contrasts" tackled the problem last night. I very much welcome that because even more people can be reached through the medium of television. I hope that quackery / charlatanism will be stopped soon. Here is the link to the show: Much has been done against MMS in the past two months, but that is certainly not enough.

I am glad that MOBIL (No. 4/2014), the magazine of the German Rheumatism League, is now also warning of MMS, since rheumatics are at risk of being exposed to the promise of healing from quacks. There is no indication of efficacy for any disease and specifically there is no benefit in rheumatic diseases. The possible damage is out of the question - it has been proven!

The Rheinische Ärzteblatt is also addressing the problem. Episode 268 of Safe Ordinance draws attention to the dangers of MMS.
Interestingly, reference is also made to an agent from Vietnam popular with rheumatics, which in addition to a little cinnamon bark essentially contains paracetamol, indomethacin, and an antibiotic. "This irrational mix" can lead to severe liver damage. Unfortunately, no product name is given.

Monday, June 12, 2017My opinion on MMS / sodium chlorite
I received a long letter to my blog post "Is MMS a miracle cure?" From April 10th, 2014 [1]. MMS or sodium chlorite has the empirical formula NaClO2. It can easily be confused with table salt (sodium chloride), the formula NaCl. Sodium chlorite is used to make chlorine dioxide and is used to disinfect water.

The letter writer suspects or asks: "Could it be that by spreading this method you are taking care that you will miss patients in the long run?" No, not exactly. Like many other rheumatologists, I have too many patients, so I have to advise my regular patients to schedule appointments for 6-9 months, because otherwise they will already be taken up at the next presentation.

After a conspiracy-theoretical sweep, as is so often the case: “I do not want to assume that you are one of those doctors who consider the Hippocratic oath to be outdated. Some believe that this oath was up to 2400 years ago and has no meaning today. ”Perhaps the writer should have had a look at what I had written a while ago under“ The Hippocratic Oath ”in 2012 [2].

In the end, he then wrote: "If I could watch how asthma, typhoid, stomach inflammation, any kind of inflammation disappeared permanently within a few days, this is clear evidence." No, it is not evidence. That's the reason why one conduct studies.

The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) launched the “Miracle Mineral Supplement” products MMS and MMS2 from Luxusline Ltd. in 2015. classified as medicinal products subject to authorization. [3] The manufacturer of MMS and MMS2 makes clear healing promises, specifies medicinal uses and dosage information, and points out the possibility of severe side effects such as diarrhea and nausea. In its press release, the BfArM stated: “The poison control centers have cases of vomiting, breathing disorders and skin burns when taking MMS. In Great Britain, Canada, France, Switzerland and the USA, undesirable effects such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, kidney failure, burns to the esophagus and breathing disorders due to damage to red blood cells were observed after taking MMS. "

Like the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM), the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (BAG), the Health Canada authority and others [4], I stick to my assessment from 2014 that MMS is not a miracle cure but quackery. Forget about the medical claims immediately and never take the stuff.

Further links in the original blogposts; numbers in square brackets refer to these links.


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