Monday, September 16, 2024

Public Art in the Republic Užupis (Vilnius, Lithuania)


Shortly before I left for my trip to the Baltic States, I reported on “Kunst im Fluß 2023” in Gemünd [1]. Kunst im Fluß has two meanings in German, on the one hand art in the river but also art in progress, in flow [2]. The banks, especially when they are fortified in cities, are suitable for presenting art. In the area where I live (Eifel), this has been going on for years (confluence of Urft and Olef, two smaller rivers).

So I was not surprised when I discovered a similar public exhibition at the Vilnia River in Užupis (Vilnius, Lithuania) [3]. This is also the place where you would expect to find such public art, because the suburb of Užupis sees itself as “The Independent Republic of Artists“. You can look at pictures on the bank there and also watch the swing under the bridge.

Links and Annotations:
[1] (Text in German)
[2] Fluß can mean current, river, flux, flow, stream.
[3] The Užupis Suburb of Vilnius and the Republic of Užupis


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