Friday, November 27, 2015

Carpe Diem Haiku No. 867 Tuvan People

The small waterfall
Murmurs into winter’s world
Wadded by white snow

The small waterfall
And a light breeze through meadows
Calling a new spring

The small waterfall
Dripping softly all summer
Ready refreshment

The small waterfall
Bears farewell to the cattle
As autumn is back

I had been intrigued by the words: "An example of this is the Mongolian story of the waterfall above the Buyan Gol (Deer River), where mysterious harmonic sounds are said to have attracted deer to bask in the waters, ..."


  1. I especially enjoyed the third haiku of the series ... beautiful post once again. Bastet

    (Sorry, I erased the original by chance. Thank you very much!)

  2. Beautiful series...the third stanza sets itself apart from the rest and I can clearly see this awesome imagery down here in my land during harmattan when all rivers start to run dry

  3. Awesome series Lothar I like how you have brought in all the seasons ... and that legend sounds great too
