Sunday, June 2, 2024

Haiku for National Haiku Writing Month – May 2024 Second Half


National Haiku Writing Month has been founded by the well known haiku poet Michael Dylan Welch. The goal is to write at least one haiku a day. National Haiku Writing Month is in its 14th year. [1] I enjoy writing to the prompts on Facebook. Here are some interesting links: [2]. The NaHaiWriMo daily writing prompter for May 2024 has been Robert Kingston [3].

Let's warm the fresh unfiltered wine with green foam
on the earthenware warmer.
The evening is coming and you can smell the snow,
Let's have a cup, alright?
Inviting Liu Shijiu
by Bo Jüyi (Bai Juyi) [4]

wisteria blossoms
in father's garden
looking through rain
~ Blossom

spring sunshine
from spring birch leaves
sparrows fly
~ Leaves [5]

spring sunshine
dripping from the birch leaves
as sparrows fly by
~ Leaves

clinging together
snow and cherry blossoms
melting and falling
~ Snow

at the bus stop
people getting on the bus
the rain stays out
~ Rain

black and white clouds
two hooded crows passing
flowers in color, though
~ Cloud

garish red rock crab
moving in the rock pool
no blood spilled
~ Rock pool

the early plover
watching the wormholes
yet no catch
~ Wormhole [6]

a seagull screeches
sailing above the beach
as life goes on
~ Beach

damp ditch
charcoal on the face
smoking during breaks
~ Charcoal

the petrified fronds
of devon's fern trees
still swaying
~ Fossil

found and forgotten
black sea shells at Hyannis
remembering JFK
~ Shell

rock and moss
amidst raked white pebbles
only mind as barque
~ Pebble

family trip
visiting the rock
popcorn and chills
~ Rock

in the riptide
swimming and exhausting
~ Riptide

another wave
jolting the stony beach
mum’s memories
~ Wave

tsunami crushing
the stalls of the fishmarket
all dead they swim
~ Tsunami

Links and Annotations:
National Haiku Writing Month
[2] „To help with haiku fundamentals, please have a look at "Becoming a Haiku Poet" at And please review the "Haiku Checklist" at
[3] Robert Kingston, NaHaiWriMo daily writing prompter for May 2024
[4] Bo Juyi
or Bai Juyi (白居易) lived from 772-846. The compilation 300 Poems of the Tang Dynasty contains six of his poems, although it is important to note that more than 2800 of his poems have survived. The most famous poemis very long one and tells of Yang Guifei (楊貴妃) and the Emperor Xuanzong (唐玄宗) – the song of everlasting sorrow (長恨歌).
綠螘 – the green foam on fresh wine, but also the name of such a wine. Today there is a yellow-greenish rice wine (at 38% alcohol it is better called liquor) called 竹葉青酒 (green bamboo leaf wine).
[5] Following Rick Daddario's advice to omit as and by. Thanks, Rick!
[6] I'm quite surprised that neither Hermann Weyl ("one-dimensional tubes" 1928) nor John Archibald Wheeler  ("wormhole" 1957) used the concept of "rabbit hole" as in Lewis Caroll's "Alice in Wonderland".


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