Sunday, June 16, 2024

Haiku for National Haiku Writing Month – June 2024 First Half


National Haiku Writing Month has been founded by the well known haiku poet Michael Dylan Welch. The goal is to write at least one haiku a day. National Haiku Writing Month is in its 14th year. [1] I enjoy writing to the prompts on Facebook. Here are some interesting links: [2]. The NaHaiWriMo daily writing prompter for June 2024 is Mark Stuart Farrar, who is prompting for the second time (previously in March of 2023). Thank you, Mark, for doing this job!



When I ride out of the city and let my eyes wander,
How could I not see that state affairs deteriorate day by day.
A look into the wilderness
Du Fu [3]

the old water bucket
now filled with compost
hydrangea blossoms
~ Bucket

fridays for future
and school's out for summer
missing those days
~ Friday

on the tree
we look at the heart
the knife is rusty now
~ Knife

sirens wailing
not "sweet with clover"
until handcuffs click
~ Police

I'm a maniac
still staying in the head
she's a maniac
~ Maniac

who wouldn't think of –
a trip to Sicily
~ Mafia

the taste of
granny's poopy seed croissant
still in my mouth
~ Aroma [4]

climate changes
views stay the same
still planting trees
~ Change

piecing together
an ancient amphora
still, you're gone
~ Amphora

the crescent moon
lurching behind cirrus clouds
and the cricket's song
~ Moon

strange noises
emerging from the attic
who you gonna call?
~ Bugaboo [5]

spring rain
perfuming the road
lovers entwined
~ Love

lama in the himalayas
llama in the andes
~ Llama [6]

moles and slugs
all banished from my garden
still thriving
~ Banish

so cute
turtle and mock turtle
but not in the soup
~ Turtle

Links and Annotations:
[1] National Haiku Writing Month
[2] „To help with haiku fundamentals, please have a look at "Becoming a Haiku Poet" at And please review the "Haiku Checklist" at
[3] Du Fu (
杜甫) lived from 712-770 and is one of the greatest poets of the Tang period [along with Li Bo (李白)]. 39 of his poems have been included in the anthology 300 Poems of the Tang Period (唐詩三百首) by Sun Zhu (孫洙), a scholar during the Qing Dynasty. 18 volumes of his poems have been preserved in the compilation Complete Poems of the Tang Dynasty (全唐詩) from 1705. This compilation, like the well-known dictionary (康熙字典), goes back to the Emperor Kangxi (康熙帝), who lived from 1654-1722.
[4] Originally: the aroma of / granny's poopy seed croissant / still in my mouth
[5] Fun facts: Bugaboo in German may be Vitzliputzli. BuGa is short for Bundesgartenschau – Federal Garden Show or Federal Garden Exhibition.
[6] Not easily translated into German as the cameloped and the buddhist teacher (guru) are spelled the same. / In the next village we haven't llamas but alpacas.


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