Thursday, July 18, 2024

An Encounter in the Baltic Sea


Last weekend I was on a ferry from Helsinki (Finland) to Tavemünde (Germany). In the evening I went on deck to watch the sunset, but fog had rolled in. I went from the starboard side to the port side of the ferry. There, a warship just emerged out of the fog. And then there also was -: the surfaced submarine that had also emerged from the fog. It was sailing between two larger warships. It was a Russian submarine. I can determine the time quite precisely from the pictures: July 11, 2024 10:28 p.m. - 10:36 p.m. The location is imprecise, but it was more or less 58.401922N / 20.682142E. Was it the TK-208 Dmitri Donskoj? I don't think so after the superstructure. 

For some photographs I chose the impressive mode of the camera, because it produces images with more contrast.

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