Saturday, July 27, 2024

Scammer Attorney DonKiss – a Rerun

“It ain't over 'til it's over,” said Yogi Berra and I should have remembered this word. I thought the scamming attempt by „Attorney DonKiss“ had been terminated about two months ago. I have written about the attempt and published it on my blog [1]. I told him that I think that he's a scammer and I even sent him he link to my blog [2].

Yesterday he was back again:
Attorney DonKiss: Hello
Attorney DonKiss: Please let us know when you're ready to receive your grant money, okay?
I: Well yes?
Attorney DonKiss: You just need to be honest with me and once you're honest I'm assurring you that you'll get your grant money today
Attorney DonKiss: Are you ready to receive your grant money ??
I: I'm honest with you, always have been. I think you're a scammer.
Attorney DonKiss: Don't think this is a scam or whatever , this is real and we are already trying all our possible best to help you deliver your money soon and early as this payment has been make and confirm okay.
I: A real scam!
Attorney DonKiss:  – he sent some pictures of people getting packages –
Attorney DonKiss: This is one of our beneficiary customer that just received their grant money and I hope you understand that I'm genuine in my approach and not attempting to scam or deceive you in any way. When you're ready to receive your grant package, please feel free to text me, and I'll arrange for it to be delivered to your doorstep.
Attorney DonKiss: All you need to pay is $100, and no other payments or fees will be required. Just make the $100 payment, and you will receive your grant money delivered to your doorstep.
I: See, I told you it's a scam. You won't even get a dime.
Attorney DonKiss: No
Attorney DonKiss: This is real and legitimate okay
I: No money from me to you.
Attorney DonKiss: We are ready to deliver your grant package to your doorstep, are you ready to make the payment of $100 rn so we can process.
I: Hey, you must be desperate!😁
Attorney DonKiss: What do you mean by that ?
Attorney DonKiss: It's well
I: You didn't even check:
I: Scammer Attorney Donkiss
Attorney DonKiss: No, I didn't
I: You should have long ago!

The pivotal aspect lies in the $100 payment. Once this payment is made, there will come more and more requests and as you don't want to loose money you keep on paying.

Are you surprised tht people act this way? I am not! People want to be winner, even if they didn't take part in a lottery. The idea that you receive a package of US-$ bills seems as strange as believing in Santa Claus bringing gifts. It is the same as the cargo cults of Melanesia. Two years ago the John Frum Movement had its 65th Anniversary [3]. John Frum is a messianic figure, who is said to emerge from a crater, bring cargo and and lead his followers into a happy future. Who was John Frum? Maybe it has been a serviceman by the name of John Broom or John from (America). After the 2nd World War “followers of John Frum built symbolic landing strips to encourage American airplanes to land and bring them 'cargo'”. There are more cargo cults in Melanesia, but the John Frum movement is best known [4].

No agency or charitable organization will send packages of money. But maybe you have to learn it the hard way [5].

Links and Annotations:
[1] Scammer Attorney Donkiss
[2] Here's the end of the dialogue:
17.06.2024, 19:45
Attorney DonKiss: Hello ?
I: Hello Scammer, I'm surprised you're back again.
You might be interested in:
Scammer Attorney Donkiss
Attorney DonKiss:  – silence –
[3] John Frum Movement – 65th Anniversary
[4] I've already used this in:  
[5] One may eveb quote from the bible: “...; but from the one who does not have, even what he does have shall be taken away.“ New American Standard Bible, Matthew 25:29b


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