Thursday, August 23, 2018

Garbage and Recycling in Tibet

I’ve written on other occasions on garbage and recycling issues in the countries I’ve visited. 20 years ago recycling hadn’t been an issue in Tibet, but with the rising number of tourists and pilgrims it has become an issue. The central government has opted for a less sophisticated separation of garbage – just recyclable and not recyclable. I think that’s a very wise decision. Among the pilgrims you have people from rural areas or nomads, who might think it strange to separate into different categories. The same applies to tourists.
The last picture is about a custom hardly to be seen anymore. In former times small leaves with a printed text and a horse were scattered at the points, where also prayer flags were displayed. This nearly stopped as the paper littered the surroundings.

Good idea (垃圾箱) as Han Chinese make 
the largest group of tourists 

There's a wall inside - garbage is separated here

At a monastery - maybe there's a later separation of garbage

 Another bin to separate as "recyclable" and "Other waste"

Lots of littering well wishes



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