Sunday, September 15, 2024

Haiku for National Haiku Writing Month – September 2024 First Half


National Haiku Writing Month has been founded by the well known haiku poet Michael Dylan Welch. The goal is to write at least one haiku a day. National Haiku Writing Month is in its 14th year. [1] I enjoy writing to the prompts on Facebook. Here are some interesting links: [2]. Our daily writing prompter is Curt Linderman, prompting for us for the first time. Welcome, Curt!

Year after year the women pick
Lotus together on the Yue River.
Sighing in the Spring Palace
Du Xunhe [3]

three yards tall
the sunroot reaches up
only to be harvested
~ Root

bitter-sweet and cold
the grapefruit sorbet
and memories
~ Sherbert or Sorbet

a spoon of all
or each at a time
I love all
~ Neopolitan [4]  

strawberry picking
one for the basket
one for delight
~ Strawberry

at the pond
water soldiers in disarray
sipping chocolate
~ Chocolade

ice, ice, baby
not Rip Van Winkle
enjoying vanilla ice
~ Vanilla

the italian ice cream parlor
my favorite gelati
~ Gelato

no whipped cream
on my strawberry parfait
already bloody perfect
~ Parfait

singing wrong lyrics
sundae is my fundae
but I got sunshine
~ Sundae

swirl of cream
dissolving in coffee
Austria at its best
~ Swirl

the squirrels eat
the pine seeds from the cones
no trash can needed
~ cone

driving your car
your eyes dip into
wonder after wonder
~ Dip

passing on
the bread you dip in the bowl
to the hungry
~ Dip

the drab life
of B-list celebrities
always scoop of the year
~ Scoop

grog with rum
cloves, cinnamon and triple sec -
winter long ago
~ Triple

sometimes it seems
to be a double exposure
but it isn't
~ Double

a single white cloud
on the vast blue sky
~ Single

Links and Annotations:

National Haiku Writing Month [2] „To help with haiku fundamentals, please have a look at "Becoming a Haiku Poet" at And please review the "Haiku Checklist" at
[3] Du Xunhe (
杜荀鶴) was a poet of the late Tang period and lived from 846 to probably 904. He is considered one of the most important poets of the realism movement in Tang poetry. Only this one poem was included in the compilation 300 poems of the Tang period (唐詩三百首). 21 of his poems are preserved in the collection Complete Poems of the Tang Dynasty (全唐詩) from 1705. the Tang period and its poems have had an impact up to our time, for example Prime Minister Wen Jiabao (温家宝) quoted from the poem Jingxi (涇溪: 涇溪石險人兢慎 ...) by Du Xunhe [5].
[4] Dedicated to Prince Hermann Ludwig Heinrich von Pückler-Muskau (1785-1871), who is still known in Germany as Neapolitan style icecream is known as Fürst-Pückler-Eis.


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