Sunday, September 1, 2024

Haiku for National Haiku Writing Month – August 2024 Second Half


National Haiku Writing Month has been founded by the well known haiku poet Michael Dylan Welch. The goal is to write at least one haiku a day. National Haiku Writing Month is in its 14th year. [1] I enjoy writing to the prompts on Facebook. Here are some interesting links: [2]. The NaHaiWriMo daily writing prompter for August 2024 has been Shannon M. Blood, doing so for the second time (previously in December 2022) [3]. Thank you, Shannon, for your work during August!

My wife's curls are perfumed by the mist,
Cold moonlight lies on her jade-white arms.
When will we stand together at the window again
And let the moonlight dry our Tears?
On a Moonlit Night
Du FuDu Fu [4]

jasmine and
the neanderthal man's bones -
would buy a top instead
~ Fossil

to keep and to burn
just don't burn the museum
~ Fossil

charity banquet
or all you can eat
next in the octagon
~ Food Fight

firing drift wood
the barn filled with dead wood
no leftovers though
~ Leftovers

thinking of
my younger dreams
not forgotten
~ Dream

happy revelers
riding on carnival floats
... as for the vomit ...
~ Carnival

high time
we renew the pledges
we've never made
~ Renew

after the harvest
at a corner of the field
the scarecrows gather
~ Harvest

he sun enters
the harvested field
no trespassing
~ Harvest

my garden is full
of heaps and secret tunnels
dwarves at work?

trenchtown uprising
war ina babylon
from gutter to heaven
~ Uprising

only one pot
~ One-Pot Meal

only one pot
lots of memories
~ One-Pot Meal

out of the blue
the old man on the ground
still workman’s hands
~ Senior Citizen

through the foliage
sun dappled sandy soil
~ Dappled

the kids are grown up
still a dappled table cloth
oh, pasta napoli
~ Dappled

the rustic cupboard
not fit for a garage sale
bought it anyway
~ Rustic

the rustic cupboard
unfit at the garage sale
I took it anyway
~ Rustic

when in sri lanka
I chanced to meet a scholar
~ Serendipity [5]

using credit cards
I didn't get your five dollar bill
what a pity
~ Serendipity [6]

barney's emporium [7]
full of dust and memories
time stops for a while
~ Thrift Shop

paper lanterns
soft music and your fragrance -
and the moon watching us
~ Paper Lantern

Links and Annotations:
National Haiku Writing Month
[2] „To help with haiku fundamentals, please have a look at "Becoming a Haiku Poet" at And please review the "Haiku Checklist" at
[4] Du Fu (712-770) is one of the greatest poets of the Tang Dynasty [together with Li Bo (
李白)]. 39 of his poems have been included in the anthology 300 Poems of the Tang Period (唐詩三百首) by Sun Zhu (孫洙), a scholar during the Qing Dynasty. 18 volumes of his poems have been preserved in the compilation Complete Poems of the Tang Dynasty (全唐詩) from 1705. This compilation, like the well-known dictionary (康熙字典), goes back to the Emperor Kangxi (康熙帝), who lived from 1654-1722. In the poem, the poet is in the capital Chang'An (長安), today's Xi'An (西安), while his wife is at home, about 200 km away as the crow flies. The line 何時倚虛幌 is perhaps the Tang version of the song "When Will I See You Again" by The Three Degrees.
[5] Serendip is the old Persian name for Sri Lanka. I met Dr, later Prof, Harischandra Kaviratna in the village of Batapola. He was an ayurveda healer and a scholar in vedic literature as well as buddhism.
[6] I have the DVD, but I haven't seen the movie yet.
[7] Barney's Emporium, 1 Palmerston Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight. Barney was selling all kinds of used things including very cheap books. I didn't find an old picture in my album, but Chrissie Cordery has published one on Pinterest:  


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