Friday, September 13, 2024

"Strawberry Fields Forever"


Hardly any strawberries left - they definitely need more strawberry fields

Today there was a strange interference between writing haiku and reading a book. But first things first!

This morning I took the task of writing a haiku for “Haiku Facebook NaHaiWriMo” [1], specifically on the prompt “strawberry”. The first thought that came to my mind has been to make a connection to the song “Strawberry Fields Forever”. Part of the chorus goes: “Let me take you down / 'Cause I'm going to strawberry fields / Nothing is real” - I see you're already humming and also know the second half of the chorus. But I decided against it and wrote the following haiku:

strawberry picking
one for the basket
one for delight

Later I started reading a book, namely the German translation of John Ironmonger's book: “Not Forgetting the Whale” [2]. I had been looking after the book bazaar together with others at the community festival. A friend came and saw John Ironmonger's book in one of the boxes, took it out and said that I absolutely had to read it. And that's what I'm doing right now. The book had already grabbed me on page 37: "Okay, I'll tell you something, Mr Jason Bourne..." [„Gut ich verrate Ihnen was, Mr Jason Bourne ...“].

This evening I read on page 318: Strawberry Fields Forever - the context doesn't matter now, but somehow these three words make the day complete,  rounded off the day. And now off to YouTube and The Beatles [3].

Links and Annotations:
[1] Haiku Facebook NaHaiWriMo
[2] John Ironmonger: Der Wal und das Ende der Welt (Original: Not Forgetting the Whale). Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2019. ISBN: 978-3-596-70419-4.
PS. I'm eating more blueberries or blackberries than strawberries.


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