Thursday, September 6, 2018

Lyric published at POETS The Original from 28.08.2018 until 05.09.2018

Leaves turning yellow
Wild geese ready to leave
But still the crickets

© 2018 Lothar M. Kirsch

The Night and the Sea

The night was a frightened animal in the grove
Waiting between the velvety shade of bushes and trees
To walk into the light of the quarter moon on the sand
She would never lie on the beach in sunlight
But the sea welcomed her with a raoring surf

She walked further into the surf until the sea
Embraced her with the wet grip of death
In the darkness of the depth crystals glittered
Far, far away, but getting closer and closer
Until the night died in the sea and morning light

© 2018 Lothar M. Kirsch

+Dario Menicucc published a poem on _POETs The Original_ with the title _Il giorno e il mare_

Through the Night

The moon travels without hand luggage
At the customs house, the walls are shaking

Out of fog a horse is trotting
Watered in the forest with shadows

The gate yells in a gust of wind
The field is shrouded in silence

Morning keeps sleeping all day long
And dreams, he would be awake after all

© 2018 Lothar M. Kirsch


Indeed the summer glared
But he burned his colors
The cooler days now
Licking the wounds of nature
Then the asters are blooming
But the cranes are still waiting
High up in the north
Until the asters fade
And then they also move
Way over the ashes of the asters
And the snow in the north
Will shine in the aurora borealis
© 2018 Lothar M. Kirsch

The Dove-gray Night

The spent night in dove-gray
Has not yet squeezed herself
Into the tight-fitting corsage
She accompanies into the day
The regal pale madam moon
Who had utterly extended herself

The fallow morning sun
Moaning with clammy limbs
Through landscapes, over rivers
Drills through the treetops’ foliage
And then dances outrageously
On a still empty marketplace

In the quiet, wondrous groves
In dark churches of silent prayers
She too will exert herself entirely
When the shadows become softer then
Maiden moon will rise up radiantly
And bewitch the night with silver

© 2018 Lothar M. Kirsch

The Full Moon

The full moon only wears
Some shreds of clouds
Sneaks through the copse
Lurking in the cemetery
Tries light and shadow
At the castle ruins
Hangs around in the city
Ridicules the late returnees
And then he himself has to
Dip behind the horizon

© 2018 Lothar M. Kirsch

Rotting in the Reeds

The old bark rots in the reeds
Wind is practicing the howl of autumn
Dead underwater plants cover the ground
Year by year, layer by layer

The murdered woman is still at the bottom
She cannot ascend, of corpse
Even her soul is not liberated
And the murderer has not been found

How will it be next summer?
When a swimmer crosses high above her
Will he carry an asphodele in his mouth?
Will he sense with his heart her lost soul

The old bark rots in the reeds
Wind is hissing and moves the brown heads
Death is cold in the beclouded water
And corpses cannot talk from the bottom

Let us fill a new bark with asphodels
And row it across the lake near the reeds
Let us spread out lilies on the surface
To liberate at least her yearning soul

© 2018 Lothar M. Kirsch

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